Plot and Structure: How to Use Structure and Subplot to Add Suspense

Plot and Structure: How to Use Structure and Subplot to Add Suspense

You can’t write a great story if you don’t master plot and structure. But what is the best structure for a novel? How do you plot a novel?

Figuring out your plot and structure is essential for your story’s success. Even if you have an exciting idea for a story, great characters, and a memorable setting, you need to put your protagonist through events that have high and escalating stakes.

Without a sound plot and structure, you won’t thrill your readers. Today, we’ll look at story structure and learn how you can build an effective plan for a story packed with suspense, with all the right twists in all the right places.

How to Write Action Scenes That Add Suspense to a Story

How to Write Action Scenes That Add Suspense to a Story

You sit down, ready to write, and you’re excited because this scene is going to be full of terrific action-packed conflict to grab your reader. But then you wonder, do you even know how to write action scenes?

Are plot points and blow-by-blow action really what keeps readers turning pages? Do you know how to write the kind of action that will add suspense to the story, rev your readers’ heart rate, and leave them dying to know what happens next?

Creating an action scene that works on screen is difficult. Creating an action scene that works on the page might be an even steeper challenge!

Luckily, there are writing strategies to help you write an action scene with skill.

5 Ways to Ruin Your Creative Writing

5 Ways to Ruin Your Creative Writing

Consider this: as writers, we employ words.

We harness their power and send them out to do a job. So, just like any productive employer, we must choose our operatives effectively and manage them well.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways words can fail and how to avoid that.

How to Write a Book Using an Outline

How to Write a Book Using an Outline

So, you’ve got a great idea for a book. You have a clear picture of the opening scenes and the climactic scene, and maybe some scenes in between, so you jump in and start writing.

But once you’ve knocked out the scenes in your head, the well runs dry, or you find yourself galloping down a series of dead-end roads.

If you’ve ever gotten stuck during the writing process, you might feel like you don’t know where to turn. How do you connect the beginning to the end? Is your epic novel idea nothing more than a character sketch, a piece of world-building, or a loosely related set of scenes?

The secret: making a book outline.