Are You Practicing the Right Way?

We believe that with the right practice, anyone has what it takes to become a published author and thriving writer. And we have the programs and courses to further your writing career at each stage of the journey. Take a look at what we have coming up below:

Daily Writing Practice

Ready to start your practice? Get a new writing lessons, exercises, and writing prompts every weekday. Did I mention it’s free? Sign up for your daily writing practice here.

Short Story Tutorial

Short stories were once the training grounds for the best writers in the world. Discover how to write a short story, submit it to magazines, and get it published through this free short story tutorial. Click to sign up »

Characterization Tutorial

Good characters are why people read stories, so make sure your characters are awesome. Hook your readers and draw them into the story in this free characterization tutorial. Click to sign up »

Grammar Tutorial

Good grammar might seem old fashioned, but editors and publishers still care about grammar. Avoid rejection and make your writing shine through this free grammar tutorial. Click to sign up »

Interviewing Tutorial

Giving a good interview is a skill almost all professional writers need. Add depth, expertise, and precision to your writing through this free interviewing tutorial. Click to sign up »

Free Courses

We have amazing free courses to help you get started with your writing practice. Find them here.

Premium Courses

We have premium courses to help you go to the next level in your writing career. Find them here.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or sign up for a course above!