40 Spring Writing Prompts For A New Season of Creativity

by Sue Weems | 0 comments

While there is still snow on the ground in some places, here in the southern United States, spring is here! (As heralded by the pollen, but I digress.) As a new season begins, here are a bevy of spring writing prompts to inspire your next writing session.

What images come to mind when you think of the first day of spring? Tulips unfurling? Easter egg hunts? Baseball season? Spring cleaning? 

Whatever spring activities grace your calendar this month, I hope you'll take some time to keep your writing habits going. In only 15 minutes a day, you can capture your creative writing ideas, practice new skills, or make progress on that book you've been dreaming of writing. 

10 Spring Journaling Prompts

1. What is your favorite thing about the spring season and why?

2. Describe your perfect spring day.

3. What are your favorite spring activities? When did you do them for the first time? 

4. If you planned a spring garden, what would you include? 

5. What is the hardest shift you have to make from winter to spring?

6. Write about a favorite book that reminds you of the spring season.

7. If you made a spring bucket list and time and money were no consideration, what would you include? 

8. What writing goals do you have for this season? Write in detail about what you'd like tp finish before summer. 

9. How do you approach spring cleaning? Write about your routine (or avoidance!) for starting a fresh season.

10. Did you ever take a memorable spring break or spring holiday? Write about it. 

10 Spring Creative Writing Prompts

Here are some story starters to kickstart your writing time.

11. They had just settled down at the spring picnic in the town square when…

12. She'd spent the most beautiful spring day hiking, when suddenly she froze on the trail…

13. All he'd planned was to dig out the plot of land behind his house for his garden, but…

14. They were halfway into their spring break road trip when…

15. They'd pooled all their fun money to rent the beach house only to discover…

16. She'd once looked forward to spring break, but now…

17. His mother had called him home, but…

18. They hid in the yard, waiting for…

19. The May Day spring festival had been nearly perfect until…

20. No one went there anymore, but we decided to…

10 Signs of Spring Poetry Prompts

If you haven't tried your hand at poetry, this is a perfect time to practice. Poetry channels strong images to create an emotional experience in sound. 

21. Write an ode to the coming of spring.

22. Vividly describe your favorite flower. Look up the various meanings of the flower and incorporate it if you can. 

23. Recount being caught in a spring shower.

24. Write a haiku about watching a baby chick trailing its mother.

25. What image comes to mind when you think of “new start”? Write about it.

26. Write about the worst part of spring. (I'm looking at the rivers of pollen on my street right now as I sneeze.)

27. Try a sonnet or free verse poem about watching a small insect or animal in its natural habitat.

28. Write about opening day of baseball season (or your favorite sport).

29. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Then describe one part of the experience that was especially vivid.

30. How does spring taste? Write about it. 

10 Spring Fever Prompts for Kids

Finally, here are a few prompts especially for kids! (Although teens and adults might enjoy them as well.)

31. Imagine you've been tasked with naming a new batch of jelly bean flavors. What would you name them and how would they taste? 

32. What do you think is the cutest baby animal and why? Describe it. 

33. Write a story about planting a seed that has a surprising ending.

34. If someone told you they were visiting a butterfly garden, describe where you think they are visiting. 

35. What is your favorite part of spring break?

36. If you could plan a perfect spring birthday party, what would you include and why?

37. Imagine you are in charge of a spring carnival or parade. What would you plan?

38. If you could visit anywhere in the spring, where would you go and why?

39. What is your favorite spring holiday and why?

40. Write a story about an adventure you could take in spring. 

Write your way through spring with us!

That's 40 prompts to get you started. We share prompt posts most Thursdays, too if you find you need more inspiration. We hope you'll keep your practice going and join our community here if you want more encouragement.


Choose one of the prompts above. Write for fifteen minutes. When finished, share in the Pro Practice Workshop. If you share, encourage a few other writers too! 

Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website.

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Work with Sue Weems?

Award-winning instructor and writer of 20+ years, book coach, and editor. Sue Weems specializes in working with Children's, Memoir, Middle Grade, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, and Thriller books. Sound like a good fit for you?

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