How to Write About Raw Emotion

Writers read, but they also listen. Every writer I know loves music as much as or more than they do reading. When I first started writing, I didn't compose blogs or novels or non-fiction books; I wrote songs. The poetry of all those beautiful words sung like pearls on...

Inject Your Writing With Interjections

What is an interjection? I like how F.J. Rhatz describes them, “a noisy utterance like the cry of an animal.”

I was speed walking from my bedroom to the kitchen to grab a snack. I was so famished I walked too fast and hit my pinky toe on a door. Ouch! Crap! Darn it!

Those are interjections.

How to Find Your Voice: Steal It From Annie Dillard

Steven Pressfield says he can’t read authors with strong voices anymore (he cites Philip Roth) because they rub off on him. That’s fine for Steve, but for us fledgling writers, those voices are like calcium supplements. They make our bones strong.

Lately, I’ve been reading Annie Dillard’s The Writing Life. This is a problem because Annie Dillard has a unique and beautiful voice, and without meaning to, I stole it. I’m slightly embarrassed about it, so keep it on the DL.