The Write Practice Pro Review: Does this Online Writing Workshop Actually Work?

by Joe Bunting | 0 comments

How do you write beautiful, award-worthy books and short stories? One of the best ways is to join an online writing workshop, a collection of other writers who can give your writing feedback so that you can make your chapters, stories, and ultimately books better.

The Write Practice Pro Review

And the best online writing workshop, in my opinion, is The Write Practice Pro. What is The Write Practice Pro, and can it help you finish your books, get published, and become an award winning, bestselling author? In this post, I’ll be sharing my Write Practice Pro review. I’ll also talk about how I personally use it the writing tool.

Take a look at The Write Practice Pro here. Now, let’s jump in.

How I Personally Use The Write Practice Pro

I started building The Write Practice Pro in 2014 to help a small group of writers get writing feedback and critiques. Since then, we’ve grown to thousands of members, many of whom have gotten feedback on books that they’ve gotten published and short stories that have been included in literary magazines and anthologies.

You can read more of their stories below!

For me, I’ve written two of my books in the workshop, including my latest book, Crowdsourcing Paris—which become a #1 new release on Amazon—and my forthcoming novel, Pluck (working title).

Here’s my profile!

The Write Practice Pro - Profile

Why? How has The Write Practice Pro helped me? And how can it help you too? In the next section I’ll talk about what The Write Practice Pro is and how it works. Later, I’ll share the stories of other writers whose lives have been changed through this program.

What is The Write Practice Pro

The Write Practice Pro is a powerful piece of writing software that allows you to share your writing in an online writing workshop. There you can get feedback from other writers as well as professional editors. You can also build relationships and network with other writers.

Here’s a quick demo video to learn more, or you can check out the members sign up page here:

Here are some things you can do with The Write Practice Pro:

  • Publish your short stories, novel chapters, and book chapters to the community
  • Get feedback from other members
  • Upgrade to get feedback from professional, certified editors
  • Give feedback to other members, building relationships with other writers and honing your editorial eye

With the feedback you get from The Write Practice Pro, you can revise your writing, making your pieces better and ultimately helping you grow as a writer.

But getting feedback is just the beginning. Pro also has opportunities to share your writing and get published. For example, you can:

  • Publish your writing on Short Fiction Break literary magazine
  • Join writing contests to win $1,000s in prizes
  • Participate in conversations with other writers

As a web based tool, it’s compatible with all devices, allowing you to join from anywhere in the world. The Write Practice Pro has members from dozens of countries and on nearly every continent.

Within the community there are also writing challenges, writing contests, courses and other resources to give you the structure and support you need to become an excellent writer and publish beautiful, award-worth books.

10 Reasons People Join The Write Practice Pro

Why do writers join? And how can it practically help you? There are six major reasons people join The Write Practice Pro, and below I’ll briefly explain each one and share stories from other writers:

To learn more about each feature, click here.

1. Meet Your Writing Goals

Of course, you don’t have to join a contest to take advantage of all The Write Practice Pro has to offer. Writers achieve all kinds of goals in this community, from finishing their first short story to publishing their second—or eighth!—book.

For Joanne Hirase-Stacey (, it’s the structure of weekly deadlines and accountability that has helped her the most.

“I decided to join The Write Practice Pro because I can’t pass up a challenge,” she says. “I love it when I am held accountable because it motivates me to keep going and not give up.”

What is The Write Practice Pro Challenge? To write one piece per week by Friday at midnight. I promise if you do that, and if you post it in this workshop, you will accomplish your writing goals over time.

The Write Practice Pro Challenge

That challenge has helped Joanne write far more than she could have imagined.

“What I have learned about the writing process is that I can write at any time in any place. I used to have the mindset that I needed at least an hour, in my office, on my laptop. Now I find that stealing fifteen minutes here and there in a notebook, wherever I’m at, isn’t a bad thing. I just have to remember to write legibly.”

Melanie had already published a book when she joined The Write Practice Pro. The community taught her how to get it into the hands of readers.

“This program taught me that selling books is all about community, generosity and collaboration, when I thought I would have to just keep spending a lot of money on advertising,” she says. “As a bonus, it taught me how to publish my books myself and gave me access to other incredible writers who critiqued and reviewed my work. Without this feedback and encouragement, I would have given up.”

For Lilian, the key is to participate in every opportunity she finds in the community.

“Being constant and participating in all that the Write Practice offers is a sure way of improving, and of reaching my goals,” she says.

Take The Write Practice Pro challenge and sign up here.

2. Get Feedback

Evelyn didn’t win the writing contest she entered, but she discovered the results were even better.

“I learned a lot about writing short stories,” she says, “What was even better [than winning the contest] was the immediate feedback I received. Instead of trying to create a story in a vacuum, several people were giving me their opinions about what resonated with them and what could be improved.”

She’s found that feedback to be invaluable.

“Getting feedback makes revising so much easier!” Evelyn adds. “When I have feedback, even from just one or two people, I’m not having to guess if readers will feel what I want them to feel as they read the story. When I write, I know what I’m trying to achieve. The feedback gives me an idea of how close I came.”

Ichabod also loves the feedback he’s received.

“Having my story critiqued by fellow contest entrants in draft form,” he says, “and having the opportunity to critique theirs as well before final submission was a fantastic opportunity. It allowed me to exercise writing muscles I don’t normally use. Just entering the contest made me a better writer.”

And like Evelyn, he’s continued in the Write Practice Pro community long after the end of that contest.

“What I’ve really taken to heart from my time at The Write Practice Pro is the value of critique,” he says. “A second set of eyes will always reveal something of value in one’s work.”

Monisha also loves the feedback she’s gotten in The Write Practice Pro’s writing contests.

“I found that contest was a really good way to get critiques of my writing and really focus on one piece and make it the best it could be,” she says, “Everyone is always very helpful and friendly despite it being a competition.” Her first contest was two years ago, and she’s “been trying to join every contest ever since.”

Novelist, screenwriter, and copywriter Doug Spak ( has found The Write Practice Pro to be “an excellent community” to share his writing.

“You can’t be a writer (or any type of artist) unless you put your work out to the world for critique and reaction,” he says. “Sharing is growing.”

You can sign up and start getting feedback on your writing here.

3. Make Friends

Every great community is made up of great people, and the members of The Write Practice Pro soon become friends.

“Since I joined The Write Practice Pro four years ago, I have learned that it’s more productive to write with a community than in a vacuum, getting feedback on your writing,” says Debra.

For Phyllis Brandano, joining The Write Practice Pro was a turning point in her writing experience.

“I’ve been practicing the craft of writing but it wasn’t until I joined the Write Practice that I actually felt like a writer,” she says. “By sharing my work, getting feedback and providing feedback to other writers, I felt a part of a writing community that had been missing to this point.”

“The most valuable part for me has been the ongoing critique group,” says Mike. “I have connected with writers from all over the world, from Spain to Sweden to Australia. Getting regular feedback from a small consistent group of peers is invaluable.

“Getting chapters done every single week so that I can post on time to get feedback [has been a challenge]. But this has inculcated a habit of writing to a deadline, which is invaluable for a writer. See? That’s two ‘invaluables!’”

Valda has learned that connecting with others is the key to becoming a better writer herself. “When I started my writing was terrible but through practice, encouragement for others in the group, and tenacity it has gotten better,” she says.

“[Joining The Write Practice Pro] has been a wonderful learning experience. Not only am I am a better writer but I have made some amazing friends.”

How to Follow Writers in The Write Practice Pro

One of the best ways to build relationships with writers is by reading their work and giving feedback, and to make sure you know when they post, you can follow them to get notifications when they post new pieces.

Here’s how to follow an author:

1. Find one of their pieces in a group and click on their profile.

2. Once on their profile, click “Follow.” A checkmark will appear.

The Write Practice Pro Review Following

3. Afterward, you will start to get notifications when they post, depending on your notification settings—email notifications or onsite notifications are both options.

The onscreen notification will look like this:

4. You can start by following me! See you inside!

That’s how you follow someone on The Write Practice Pro. What kinds of writers would you like to follow and get to know in the community?

Start building your writing community here.

4. Win Awards

Perhaps the most exciting part of The Write Practice Pro is celebrating when members of our community succeed. And for Tim Bergstresser, joining the community is what made it happen:

“I’m proud to say I went from never writing to an award-winning author just by writing everyday for 100 days. I took third in a short-story contest.”


Want to win awards for your writing? Sign up for Pro here.

5. To Get Writing Critiques Outside of a Local Writers Group

Jordy Hines, currently working on his third book, knew he wanted to join a writing community, but couldn’t find anything local.

“I live half the year in Italy,” he said, “and there is little in the way of (English-speaking) writers groups in my area. I was looking for an online writing community where I could exchange ideas, increase my writing skills, and garner the kind of feedback you only get from other writers.”

Debra Lobel ( did find local groups, but found they weren’t what she needed.

“I ‘applied’ to a few neighborhood writing groups who asked for samples of my writing. I was rejected because I didn’t ‘fit,’” she says. “I decided to join The Write Practice Pro because it is an online, non-judgmental community where I can get feedback for anything I write, including short stories, novels, or non-fiction.”

Electrical engineer ShuJen ( knew she needed a community in order to grow, and an online one would be a great fit.

“I joined The Write Practice Pro because I wanted to build a community of writers and take my writing to a whole other level,” she says.

Interested in joining a local writers’ group? Read our Writing Workshop guide to find out how.

6. To Get Writing Critiques In Addition to a Local Writers Group

Other writers join a local writers group, then The Write Practice Pro as well. In fact, sometimes they find The Write Practice Pro through a local writers group.

“My wife and I attended a writing retreat led by Joe,” says science fiction writer Mike Van Horn ( “I joined Write Practice after that, partly because several people in the workshop were part of it.”

“I wrote the first draft of my first novel and decided to become more involved in a local writer’s group in Manassas, Virginia,” says David Beye. “Established writers in that group told me about The Write Practice so I decided to join because I was looking for critique partners.”

Do you have a writers group that might enjoy The Write Practice Pro? We’d love to meet them! Send me a note and we can schedule time to connect with your group.

7. To Enter a Writing Contest

Many writers find The Write Practice Pro through our frequent writing contests, and then continue to workshop their writing in the community when the contests end.

“I decided to join The Write Practice Pro because I wanted to enter short story contests and get feedback on my writing,” says author and journalist Teresa Edmond-Sargeant (

“I initially joined the Write Practice as part of one of the writing contests, because I’d been struggling to figure out if my writing was any good or not,” says Evelyn Puerto (, whose debut novel will be published on December 3.

“I joined initially for a short story contest,” speculative fiction author Ichabod Ebenezer ( says. “I had just finished drafting my first novel and was letting it rest, but I still needed a creative release.”

“I originally joined The Write Practice Pro for the spring writing contest two years ago,” says Monisha Mukherjee (, who is now working on her first fantasy novel.

How to Join a Writing Contest

Want to join, or even win, a writing contest? Here’s how:

  1. Visit our Writing Contests page to see if there are any current contests.
  2. If not, sign up for email updates (you’ll also get a free copy of 14 Prompts, our best writing prompt eBook).
  3. We will email you when the next contest opens!

8. To Write a Book

Other writers join the community with a specific goal in mind: to write a book.

“At first I joined because I wanted more feedback than I was getting at my regular writing site,” says author Tina Weaver ( “Then because I didn’t do [NaNoWriMo] I joined 100 Day Book.”

For Tim Bergstresser, it was a book writing challenge that became the inspiration:

“I saw the 100-day book challenge somewhere and it caught my attention. It sounded like a challenge that would be fun. And if I was successful, I would have become an author,” he adds. “I have always been an avid reader and to become an author, to create a story like the ones I read, would be an accomplishment I would be proud of. Plus, I thought I had a few good stories I could share.”

“I decided to join The Write Practice Pro because I wanted to write a novel,” says paranormal romance author Monica MacKinnon ( Yes, I know that sounds pretty pie-in-the-sky silly, but at the time it was how I felt. I also knew that I hadn’t a clue how to do it.” (Spoiler alert: she did!)

“For [a] few years I have been developing [an] idea for a series of novels but couldn’t get myself to sit down and write it. I know that I am still just a student and that whole life is in front of me, but I want this idea to come alive and grow alongside with me. Therefore, I decided that I would join The Write Practice Pro and start my journey with the 100 Day Book program,” says Iva Pehar.

How do you write a book in 100 Days? In the course 100 Day Book, we guide people through the process of writing the first draft of their books in 100 days (or 2nd drafts or 3rd drafts!). Members post their books, get feedback, and stay updated in The Write Practice Pro. You can learn more about the program here. We open it only a few times a year, so make sure you’re signed up for email updates so you can find out when the next semester begins.

9. To Publish a Book

Some writers join The Write Practice Pro with a full manuscript or even a published book. They’re looking for guidance and support in getting their writing into the hands of readers.

That was the case for author Melanie Lambert (

“I joined The Write Practice Pro because I had just written and published a book and had no idea how to promote and sell it!” she says. “Coming across [The Write Practice Pro’s] Write to Publish course was a lifesaver.”

Robert Toto had publishing on the mind when he found the community.

“I decided to join The Write Practice Pro because I want to publish my stories,” he says, “and I feel that The Write Practice Pro is an excellent way to meet new writers, compare our stories, and help improve them.”

How to Get Published in Short Fiction Break Literary Magazine

Through a partnership with Short Fiction Break literary magazine, The Write Practice Pro members can publish their best stories instantly on the magazine. Here’s how:

Note: publishing is currently only available for pieces posted in the Short Stories Workshop.

  1. After your piece has been thoroughly edited, navigate to your writing piece on The Write Practice Pro. If you can’t find it, go to your profile and find your story in your feed.
  2. Click the “Publish” button beside the story title. Note that you must complete your three critiques before the “Publish” button will appear.
  3. Read the guidelines and terms and click confirm. After you click Publish, a dialogue box will appear, asking if you agree to Short Fiction Break’s publishing guidelines and terms.
  4. See your story on Short Fiction Break. When you confirm you’re ready to publish, you will get a confirmation with a link to your story.

It’s that easy!

10. To Become a Better Writer

Other writers join the community to help them with a broader goal: to grow in their writing—and hopefully connect with other writers along the way.

“I was starting to write and was looking for help as well as friendships,” says Valda Dracopoulous (

“I wanted to develop my writing skills,” says pastor and writer William Webster.

“I like the idea of being part of a community, which shares the same passion but also the same challenge of accomplishing a book project,” says Asli Toksal (, who writes about the future of work. “It makes sense to me as famous writers in history also had their circles, in which they critiqued and helped each other.”

“I decided to join The Write Practice Pro because I’m an aspiring writer who needs all the help I can get,” says Lilian Gardner.

“I joined The Write Practice Pro to learn more about writing and critiquing and to improve my writing with and along seasoned writers,” says digital content writer Esther Shongwan.

Does The Write Practice Pro work?

So what’s the verdict. Will this writing program and workshop help you become a pro writer?

Yes! From my own experience and the experience of the writers above, The Write Practice Pro gives you the structure, feedback, relationships, and lessons you need to become an excellent writer and publish award-worthy books.

The big drawback of The Write Practice Pro is that it won’t do the work for you. You will still have to do the hard work of writing, getting and giving feedback, and publishing your writing. The Write Practice Pro will make you better, but you will have to put in the effort.

Here’s what The Write Practice Pro has helped me and other writers do:

  • Get the peer feedback you need to make your books and short stories award-worthy
  • Get feedback from professional editors who can help take your writing to the next level
  • Connect with other writers to learn the writing and publishing industry (and for fun!)
  • Get published through Short Fiction Break and by other publishers (or learn to self-publish)
  • Get book marketing tips and tacts, plus support and encouragement from other writers who have been there
  • And much more

The real question is not whether it will help you, but are you willing to do the work? If you are you should join now.

Have you tried The Write Practice Pro? What do you think? Let me know in the comments?


Joining a writing workshop is one of the best ways to practice your creative writing. Workshops help with the two things every writer needs most: structure and feedback.

To put that to use in your own writing, start writing a new piece using this writing prompt:

A fresh college graduate just entering the world makes an unexpected friend on the internet. Is this new friend a godsend? Or a curse? You choose.

Write a story as a new piece, then share it for feedback in your writing community. And if you’re part of The Write Practice Pro (or about to join), share it in the Short Story writing group. Then let us know you shared in the comments below (and if you shared on The Write Practice Pro, include the link so we can see it!

Good luck and happy writing!

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


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