Wondering how many pages are in your book? Or how many words per page your book will be? Use our handy words to pages calculator below to figure out all the details about how long your book will be.
Why Calculate Words vs Pages?
In the publishing industry, writers and editors measure a book by its word count not by it's page count. That's because page length can vary widely based on the font size, page size, margins, and line height (as you can see using our advanced book page calculator below). If the font is a bit smaller or the margins are a bit wider or the page size is a bit larger, it will result in a completely different page count.
Word count though always stays consistent regardless of arbitrary formatting choices.
That being said, it's nice to know how many pages your book will be, and vice versa!
That's where our word count to page count calculator comes in handy. Give it a try below! There's even a tool to copy/paste your whole manuscript and see how long it will be!
And if you're wondering how long your book should be, check out our word count guide here.
Word Count to Page Count Calculator
Copy and paste your entire manuscript below, then click "Analyze" to get your estimated word count and book page numbers.
Your text will not be stored. This is for word count checking only.
Like this calculator? Check out our book royalties calculator and KDP royalties calculators here.