What did you accomplish in your writing in 2023?

by Joe Bunting | 0 comments

It's the end of another long year, and so I'm curious. What did you accomplish this year in your writing? Did you reach any major goals or milestones? Did you publish anything? Did you write something you loved?

In these last few days of 2023, before we set our goals for next year, let's take a second to sit in what we accomplished over the last year.

Hit reply to this post and let us know what you worked on this year writing-wise. (And yes, I really want you to brag about something you accomplished in your writing!)

Here's an important rule though: if you didn't accomplish everything you wanted to this year, don't beat yourself up or give yourself a hard time. Instead, let's focus on what we did accomplish. We'll save all those things we should have done for January 1, okay?

Some Personal Accomplishments

Since we're bragging, this has been one of the best years for my own writing and work with writers. Here are a few things that happened this year:

I helped a coaching client get an agent, and then they were picked up by a traditional publisher! Even better, the book the client wrote is so good and I'm convinced it will become a bestseller.

My ghostwriting client got a $250,000 advance for their next book. A few years ago, one of my long time ghostwriting clients started working on a new book. We helped them finish the proposal, but when we went to send it to agents they weren't finding any interest. In the midst of that, they got caught up with some other projects and had to set the book down. But earlier this year, we took the project back up again and started sending it around to agents we had hand-picked for them. Amazingly, on our first try, we found an agent and started submitting to publishers. After more than ten rejections, we were getting pretty discouraged, but then over the course of two weeks, three or four major imprints expressed interest and the book was picked up by a big four publisher! The publishing process can be brutal, but it's so exciting when you find partners who believe in your book!

I finally figured out my novel. I've been stuck on a novel that I've been working on for several years. Something wasn't working, but after two drafts, I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Well, last month I finally figured out how to write it, and I'm not 12,000+ words into the draft. I can't wait to share it with you when it's finished!

Alright, those are my brags. But what about our community as whole.

Some Things The Write Practice Community Accomplished

It's been an amazing year for the writers in our community. Here are some things we accomplished together this year:

Writers in our 100 Day Book program collectively wrote over 18,000,000 words. That's so many words!

Dozens of authors in our community got published, including Evelyn Puerto, Jamie L Biggs, J.D. Edwin, John Malnor, John King, and many many more!

Our writing guides reached over 3 million people from more than 150 countries.

And we've gotten to continue our work helping aspiring writers transform into published authors. 

Thanks for being part of our community. We can't wait to see what you're going to accomplish next year.

But first, let's brag in the comments!

What did you accomplish in your writing this year? Let us know in the comments (and remember, no self-deprecation allowed).


Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


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