Finding Time to Write: 3 Foolproof Ways to Write With a Busy Schedule

Finding Time to Write: 3 Foolproof Ways to Write With a Busy Schedule

Whether or not you write for a living, you probably have a lot of other responsibilities, like a day job, school, or parenting. Still, finding time to write is necessary for any writer who wants to make a career out of writing.

This means that if you want to become a writer, making time to write despite a busy schedule needs to be a priority.

You might get advice from writers about prioritizing writing time that works for them but doesn’t feel practical for you.

Regardless of where you are in your writing life, there are a few foolproof ways you can fit writing into your busy schedule, even if it’s stacked with non-negotiable responsibilities.

How to Find Time to Write When You’re a Parent

How to Find Time to Write When You’re a Parent

You want to write. Your newest idea or draft has been sitting there for days, accumulating dust and regret.

You have to write.

But you also have a family. The kids need picked up, dinner needs cooking, and that living room isn’t cleaning itself. Your spouse has an event tonight (that you forgot you agreed to go to), and don’t forget the children need help with their ever-increasing load of homework.

How can you ever hope to write a book and be a parent at the same time?

Is it hopeless? Or is there a way to pull it off?