by Joe Bunting |
If you’re a writer, you’re also a reader. Reading amazing stories is the inspiration you need to write your own. And the stories you write are your gifts to other readers. This week, we’re giving away something that will be a boon to both your reading and writing. Enter now to win!
by Jeff Elkins |
We think of authors as loners. Locked in dark caves with nothing but their type-writers and a candles, they painstakingly pound out one word after another, bleeding on the page to create a story they hope the world will accept. This image couldn’t be further from the truth.
As John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” One way you can feel more like part of the main is by utilizing the tool of crowdsourcing.
by David Safford |
Being a know-it-all, I’ve always assumed I was a good teacher and coach. I’ve often taken that attitude into blog posts and book chapters, and then wondered why I received negative comments and feedback.
I’m learning a tough lesson about successful teaching and coaching: Tone is everything.
Because if we coach with the wrong tone, we might not be coaching at all, but driving our readers away!
by Joe Bunting |
This week, nearly three hundred writers submitted their stories to the Winter Writing Contest. Right now, our panel of judges is reading through each story, looking for the ones that will make it to the winners’ circle. And while they’re hard at work, I have an invitation for you, too.
Come vote on your favorite to win the Readers’ Choice Award!
by Joe Bunting |
In August, we hosted the Fall Writing Contest in partnership with Short Fiction Break literary magazine. Entering this writing contest was a huge accomplishment for all our writers, and we want to celebrate the winners here on The Write Practice.
by Joe Bunting |
In June, we hosted the Summer Writing Contest in partnership with JBD Entertainment and Short Fiction Break literary magazine. Entering a writing contest is a huge accomplishment. You took on the challenge of writing a story and sharing it boldly with the judges. Whether your story won or not, that’s worth celebrating!
And now, drumroll, please, as we announce the winners . . .