8 Hero’s Journey Archetypes Universally Used for a Protagonist

8 Hero’s Journey Archetypes Universally Used for a Protagonist

There are heroes everywhere. A great Hero’s Journey can take place in any genre. But did you know there are eight hero’s journey archetypes that work especially well for a universal protagonist? 

Your reader will unconsciously expect your story to have certain characters. If you want your next heroic story to be a success, you’d be wise to plan the entire journey around these key characters. Or at the very least, with them.

Without these hero’s journey archetypes, you might have a story that fails to “work,” and this will leave the reader dissatisfied and confused.

To avoid this, let’s go over who these character archetypes are, and why they will push your hero on their journey. 

Hero’s Journey Trials: How to Fill the Middle of Your Story with Conflict

Hero’s Journey Trials: How to Fill the Middle of Your Story with Conflict

If you’ve ever written a book, you know that writing the middle of your story is tough. There’s a reason the saying “muddle through the middle” is common language in a writer’s conversation. Your protagonist must face Hero’s Journey Trials and make Allies and Enemies in these moments. How can you do this?

By studying The Hero’s Journey, an age-old story structure theorized by Joseph Campbell. When you master the Hero’s Journey’s twelve steps, constructing the middle of your story—by focusing on tests and Trials—gets easier.

In this article, you’ll learn writing strategies to help you raise the stakes and successfully develop one of twelve important steps in the Hero’s Journey—and the longest one at that.

Here’s what to do.

Meeting the Mentor: A Vital Moment in Every Hero’s Journey Story

Meeting the Mentor: A Vital Moment in Every Hero’s Journey Story

Great stories are filled with great characters. One of the most common characters in any story is the Mentor, an essential character if you’re writing a Hero’s Journey story. In fact, the fourth step of the Hero’s Journey is Meeting the Mentor. Who is your hero’s mentor, and how do they challenge them?

As you may know, the Hero’s Journey is an archetypal story theorized by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces. And in practically every heroic story, there is a character that helps the hero rise from nobody to a somebody.

Getting that character right can be the difference between writing a story that readers love and one they put down and forget.

Writing Prompt: Finding Independence

Writing Prompt: Finding Independence

We all long for independence. It’s hard-wired into the human spirit.

Perhaps this is because we all know what it feels like to be trapped. Have your circumstances ever penned you in? Have you ever been forced to look to something or someone else for sustenance, when you would rather be standing on your own feet?

That’s what today’s writing prompt is all about.