4 Key Reasons Planning a Novel Speeds Up Your Writing Process

4 Key Reasons Planning a Novel Speeds Up Your Writing Process

Do you dread planning a novel, or love it? Plotters and pantsers often have different perspectives—but which one are you? 

Declaring yourself as a plotter or pantser is like being asked to pick a house in Hogwarts: are you House Planner or House Pantser? Which one?

In your writing career, I can guarantee you’ll connect with writers from both “houses,” and I’m not sure there will ever be a definitive answer to one team being better than the other.

However, I do think there are extreme benefits to planning a novel. If nothing else, there are four key reasons why planning a novel will speed up your writing process when writing your first draft—and next drafts.

How to Write Faster: Writing Tips to Finish a First Draft in 6 Weeks

How to Write Faster: Writing Tips to Finish a First Draft in 6 Weeks

Do you get nervous starting a book? Does it take you forever to write that book, and because of this, you eventually end up giving up? Learning how to write faster will not only boost your writing productivity, but teach you ways to be a better writer that finishes projects in the process.

Writing the first draft for any book is hard work, but it is also manageable.

In fact, it’s even possible to learn how to write faster and complete your book in six weeks!

That’s my goal for my upcoming blog series, to teach you what I’ve learned about writing faster, and not only that, but show you why writer faster will make you a better writer as well.

Writer’s Burnout: 6 Helpful Ways Any Writer Can Use to Overcome Burnout

Writer’s Burnout: 6 Helpful Ways Any Writer Can Use to Overcome Burnout

Have you ever started writing a book with a burst of energy and enthusiasm? Did you feel like your fingers were flying off the keyboards, and then somewhere in the manuscript…they stopped. Have you ever become a victim to writer’s burnout?

At some point in the writing process, every writer feels exhausted.

It’s hard work writing a book, let alone working full time, caring for children or pets, and any other additional responsibility you have in life.

Nothing is more frustrating than when, for one moment, you felt fully emerged in your story. The next day you’re tempted to give up on your story altogether. You’re tired. You need a rest.

First, this is normal. Second, you can overcome it!

In this article, I share my personal experience with writer’s burnout. I also suggest six helpful ways to overcome it so you can get back to writing—and not regret the time you spend with your story.

Setting Writing Goals: How to Set Goals and Finish Your Book

Setting Writing Goals: How to Set Goals and Finish Your Book

Have you ever had a great book idea, or started a story but failed to finish it? Did you try setting writing goals to finish your story, but couldn’t keep up with your giant ambitions?

Did failing to meet your writing goals end in your giving up?

Goal setting is not as straightforward as it seems. Bad goals reinforce bad habits. If you want to become a writer and finish your writing projects, you need to set goals that you can meet—while also pushing you to complete your writing projects.

In this article, you will learn the two types of goals every writer can set and accomplish. You’ll also learn four major reasons every writer needs to actually finish their writing projects—along with tips on how to do this.