25 August Writing Prompts
It’s mid-summer and a great time to do some daily writing! Check out these 25 August writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing.
It’s mid-summer and a great time to do some daily writing! Check out these 25 August writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing.
Most full length books or films will have multiple storylines, a primary plot and at least one secondary plot that impacts the outcome of the story. But keeping all those storylines straight can be a challenge. What are multiple storylines and how can you manage them to tell a terrific story?
Some of the books that make the biggest impact on us as readers are the books we read as children and teens. If you want to write for teens, today we have some young adult YA writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing. Use one of these story ideas to write your own YA story!
Give these summer-themed writing prompts a try and see if you don’t find yourself enjoying these warm summer days even more!
Which prompt brings back summer memories for you?
If you’ve watched any one of George Lucas’s Star Wars films, read or watched any of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings books or films then you’ve experienced the hero’s journey. I’ve walked my creative writing classes through these stories numerous times, helping them identify and emulate the story principles.
Part of what makes these stories so compelling is that they follow a character from their ordinary life into an adventure they couldn’t have imagined, leading to personal transformation.
Try one of our 25 hero’s journey story ideas to write your own adventure!