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At The Write Practice, we publish a new article each day designed to help writers tackle one part of their writing journey, from generating ideas to grammar to writing and publishing your first book. Each article has a short practice exercise at the end to help you immediately put your learning to use.

Check out the latest articles below or find ones that match your interest in the sidebar.

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How to Transform Raw Inspiration Into a Solid Novel Plan

How to Transform Raw Inspiration Into a Solid Novel Plan

Inspiration comes in many forms. It may be a lovely tune from your playlist; A stunning vista in nature; A wildly creative turn-of-phrase you overhear in a coffee shop. Nearly anything. Like all creative minds, you sit down to convert this nugget of inspiration into a story.

But then you hit a wall. How do you transform raw inspiration into an actual story? How do you turn inspiration into a novel plan?

How to Use a Little Hurt for Deeper Characterization

How to Use a Little Hurt for Deeper Characterization

Characters show us who they are when they are under stress. One way to create stress for a character and deepen their characterization is to inflict a minor injury. How will they respond? Will their reaction affirm who they present themselves to be? Or will it reveal perhaps another dimension of their personality?

How To Become a Better Writer Faster

How To Become a Better Writer Faster

A high school pottery teacher split his class in half. To one half he told them they only had to produce one perfect pot by the end of the semester and they would get an A. He turned to the other class. They had to produced fifty pounds of pots by the end of the semester. It didn’t matter whether the pots they made were good or not. They had to be pots and there had to be fifty pounds of them.

By the end of the year, who do you think produced the best pot?

It’s really a question of what makes better work, quality or quantity?

14 Prompts: Writing Prompts for Surprising Creativity

How do you find more inspiration right now? How do you discipline yourself to write even when you're busy? What do you do about writer's block? 14 Prompts solves problems that plague every writer. Readers have said again and again that it's a perfect blend between...

Writing Prompt: The Random Title Challenge

Writing Prompt: The Random Title Challenge

Sometimes the best stories come to us when we are challenged to leave our comfort zone and write something we wouldn’t usually try. In that spirit, to give our writing a boost, let’s make a game out of using a writing prompt.

How to Create a Character Based on Internet Comments Sections

How to Create a Character Based on Internet Comments Sections

Do you argue with strangers on the internet? (I plead the fifth). Even if you have enough self-control not to engage most arguments and comment sections, chances are high that you think through how you would argue with them if you weren’t fairly certain they are a troll in an alternate universe. Also if your mother wasn’t your friend on Facebook.

Are you leveraging those thoughts? Or just rehearsing them, allowing yourself to feel irritated and angry? Put that energy to good use for your writing. Your next character is hiding in the comments section of nearly any forum. Here’s how to find him or her.

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Box of Shards
- K.M. Hotzel
- A. Marieve Monnen