3 Cyber Monday Deals for Writers

by Joe Bunting | 2 comments

I think most of us writers are frugal people. The other day, I wanted to pick up the latest Robert Greene book, Mastery, only to discover to my dismay it was $14.99. “Fifteen bucks for an eBook?!” I thought. I still bought it (worth it, by the way), but I was cringing inside.


Photo by Pamela Moore

This is why Cyber Monday is so great. Frugal people like us can get so many great deals while avoiding Black Friday's rabid hordes.

Here are three deals you might want to pay attention to today.

1. Thousands of eBooks for less than $3

If you're a Kindle owner, you can get thousands of titles for less than $3 today from Amazon.

Be careful with this one. I already bought five great novels this morning, including Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon and The Great Santini by Pat Conroy. Fortunately, I only spent about $10.

If you're not a Kindle owner, you can get a Kindle Fire for only $129 today and a Kindle eReader for only $69.

I also noticed some good books in the writing reference section.

2. Become a Pro

Jeff Goins is one of the smartest guys I know. In the last two years, he started a blog that has gained 25,000 subscribers, has gotten two book contracts, and written for huge websites like Zen Habits and The Huffington Post.

If you want to become a professional writer, Jeff explains the process in his Pro Writer package, a $107 value for only $37.50. Not bad.

Check it out here.

3. Deals from The Write Practice

Today only, The Write Practice is offering 25% off any single book, workbook, or course we've made. If you've been planning on getting one of our products, now would be a great time to do it. Get the details here.

The best option is the Write Practice Package where you can get all of our products, over $65 in value, for only $29.95. Check out all of our products and don't forget to use the code cybermonday to save.

This offer expires on Tuesday, so if you're interested, act quickly.

What Cyber Monday deals are you most excited about? Did I miss any? Share in the comments section.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


  1. Yvette Carol

    This is a first! I get to be the first person to leave a comment. Wow. I love cyber deal Mondays. However, I am a little bit funny about having too many books I haven’t read. It sounds silly. But, if I have too many books loaded without reading them, I start to feel I ‘can’t’ buy any more until I’ve read what I’ve got.

    • Joe Bunting

      Hi Yvette,

      You’re so funny. 🙂

      But yes, I totally understand about having too many books. I’m like that too. I get so overwhelmed when I go into bookstores.

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