10 Writing Tips from Ursula Le Guin

10 Writing Tips from Ursula Le Guin

Le Guin was a “genre” writer who constantly pushed the boundaries of what we think of as genre. Besides sci-fi and fantasy, she wrote poetry, creative nonfiction, and literary fiction.

I honestly believe she will go down in history as one of the greatest writers, literary or otherwise, of the 20th century.

How to Waste Time: 5 Ways To Do It Well

How to Waste Time: 5 Ways To Do It Well

If you’ve ever found yourself wasting time or just overwhelmed with time management in general, today’s guest writer has an interesting perspective on how to waste time as a writer—and still invest in your personal growth and quality time with those people and things you want most. 

100+ Fun Creative Writing Prompts for Kids (and Kids at Heart!)

100+ Fun Creative Writing Prompts for Kids (and Kids at Heart!)

One of the best ways you can foster a love of reading and writing in children is to offer lots of low-stakes opportunities to practice. These kids writing prompts can be used with any group of kids you’re working with: elementary school, middle school, or high school writers.

Prompts can help kids break through creative writing idea blocks or boredom. Whether in a slump or starting a new project, try a prompt a day and see what happens.

Keep it as simple as possible: one notebook or document, one location, the same(-ish) time each day, and a timer set for 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

Don’t let yourself edit, reread, or rework anything. Just write. Keep the pen moving across the page. There’s no wrong way to play.

Plus, there’s a great note for you, whether you’re a parent or teacher or both, at the end.

Give these fun creative writing prompts a try and watch how consistent practice contributes to ideas, confidence, and yes, even stronger writing skills!