The Best First Line of Your Novel

The Best First Line of Your Novel

Happy Day Three of NaNoWriMo 2015! How’s that word count so far? I’m allowed to ask that, because this year I’m actually participating. I’ve written a book in four months before, but one month? Insanity, but here is what I’ve learned and struggled with so far: the beginning and getting started.

10 Tips to Write an Essay and Actually Enjoy It

10 Tips to Write an Essay and Actually Enjoy It

Writing an essay may not be easy. It may not come to you naturally. After all, writing is a skill, and skills take practice, whether it’s playing a sport, performing an instrument, or playing video games.

But writing an essay can be fun, if you have the right attitude.

With that in mind, here’s an infographic with ten tips to write an essay without hating every moment of the process.

Five Tips for Reaching Your NaNoWriMo Goal

Five Tips for Reaching Your NaNoWriMo Goal

NaNoWriMo is upon us again! I’m sure some of you are jumping out of your desk chair with excitement, but others are still nervous. It is intimidating, after all. 50,000 words in one month? Insanity.

Luckily, it’s not as hard as it looks. And with these five tips, it’ll look even easier.

Write From The Perspective of a Shoe

Write From The Perspective of a Shoe

We know what it feels like to be human and write from the perspective of a human. But, what does it feel like to be a shoe or a  pencil or a dictionary? And, why should we even try to write from the perspective of a shoe? What does a shoe think? Do they prefer walking...