Introduce Yourself AS A WRITER

by Marianne Richmond | 220 comments

I have been a book author and artist for close to twenty years.  I have paid for my mortgage, groceries, vacations and braces with my self-generated income. I have sold a blessed two million copies of my words and pictures.

Marianne Richmond, 2012

Marianne Richmond, 2012

And yet, until about five years ago, I stumbled through an introduction of my writing and my abilities.  It may have sounded something like this:

Interested person:  So, what do you do?

Me:  I write and illustrate children's books.

More interested person:  Wow—you do both parts.  You're a writer AND an artist!

Me:  Well… I'm not really an artist.  I mean, I AM but I've never been formally trained in art and well, I've just worked to create a style that matches my words.  And ya so… (head down, change subject, pick off nail polish).

This was not serving me well nor building anyone's confidence in me, including my OWN.

Today I want us to practice owning our GIFT and TALENT as writers.  Wholeheartedly.  Even if we're not generating ANY income from it.  Talent and ability are not always cash-making but are still real and worth our belief.

How to Confidently Introduce Yourself and Your Abilities

Ready to introduce yourself with pizazz. Here are five steps to do it:

1. State your name and your craft.

“Hi, I'm Marianne, and I'm a children's book writer and illustrator.”

Or “Greetings!  My name is Joe and I'm a novelist.”

Or “Yo.  I'm Paisley and I'm a poet.”

Stand tall.  Make eye contact.  Do not justify, downplay or explain.

2. Tell people about your current audience.

(Even if it's just an audience of one!).

Share what you write about, or for whom you aspire to write.  “I currently am working a series of nature poems but hope to soon begin working on a young adult Vampire novel.”

3. Add a thought or two on how you hope to grow in your chosen area.

“I am not yet published but am seeking a literary agent.”

Or “I am contemplating the self-publishing route while researching various publishers.”

Or “I am a nurse by day and a novelist by night.”

4. Stifle the critic in your head.

You know that one who, on cue, is saying something like, “Ha!  That'll be the day.  You only have three pages written!  If you were a real writer, you'd be published by now.”

Tell him to be quiet. You're too busy being a writer.

5. Revel in it.

Respond to the interest and admiration that is sure to come your way after such a confident presentation of your words AND your worth!

How do you introduce yourself as a writer?


Do you ever downplay your talent as a writer?  Self-critique to save someone else the trouble? For today's practice, introduce yourself and your work in the comments section in the most confident, self-assured way possible!  In addition to practicing this important skill, we will all get to learn a little more about one another!  Who knows?  Maybe you'll find a kindred spirit in the crowd.

Marianne Richmond

I'm Marianne Richmond—writer, artist and inspirationalist. My words have touched millions over the past two decades through my children's books and gift products.
Basically I put love into words and help you connect with the people + moments that matter. You can find me on my website, Facebook, and Twitter (@M_Richmond21).


  1. Benjamin Paul Clifton

    Hello. My name is Benjamin Clifton, and I write flash fiction and short stories. I plan on creating an anthology and will most likely keep it all to myself. One day, I’d like to delve into the craft of writing novels, maybe even write a series.

    This is my latest project:


    I woke up one morning with a feeling inside of my stomach. A pain. It felt like there was a knife, wriggling around within my insides, just trying to force its way to my heart. The problem was that it was lost in the maze of my stomach and intestines. All of the pain came in the flash of a moment; I woke up screaming. First was screaming. Second was puking. I ran to the bathroom across the hall. The family pictures hung in what my mom would call a ‘purposeful masterpiece,’ were a blur as I ran faster than those African guys who run away from lions for fun. I sat hunched over the white toilet that used to be shinier than any of the teeth belonging to those celebrities in Hollywood. It turned out to be not-so-shiny when I was done with it. I looked at my puke swirling around in the toilet in a pensive manner. That was, in between puking, gags and lurches. Why is it red? I remember thinking, I didn’t have any spaghetti recently… Salsa? No…

    Needless to say, my mom took me to see a professional. She took me to a hospital, actually (yeah, it was that bad). I remember I had to stay sitting in one of those beds with a puke tray near me at all times. A male nurse, nicest guy ever, held the tray as my hands trembled. A string of something came out of my mouth as I vomited again. I could have sworn it was my small intestine, but I guess it was just mucus. He patted my back when I would choke and gave me comforting words when I finished each of my episodes.

    • James Hall

      That’s a little gross and disturbing, but interesting at the same time.

      Benjamin, you are a passionate writer, a true gentleman, and an creative extraordinaire. Let me know when your novel is done so I can trade or buy it!

    • Benjamin Paul Clifton

      Ha. Yeah, it has a purpose. As I was first writing it, I myself was grossed out. I wanted to change it, but I decided that it’s necessary for the finished product.

    • Christy

      Benjamin: I am blown away by your descriptive writing. I would be curious to find out more about this story. Keep up the great work!!

    • Benjamin Paul Clifton

      Well thanks! “Blown away,” huh? That kills me. In a good way. Thank you.

    • Karl Tobar

      I’m asking you, Benjamin, please please please do not keep it all to yourself. People want to hear what you have to say; don’t you ever forget that.
      To the piece that you presented here: great descriptions. You have a knack for description. Knowing that you are well capable of providing a great description, I might suggest holding back just a little bit. Save the cream filling for when it’ll be most appreciated. Here you have two paragraphs of little to no story. Can I make a suggestion? Find out what else you’re good at. Practice your dialogue. Practice your action. Create characters. You’ll surprise yourself. I’m sure of it 😉

    • Benjamin Paul Clifton

      Ah… My first “criticism” for my descriptions. Just kidding. It was well-taken.

      First, thank you. Second, thank you. I’ve always wanted to know what I was good at in writing. I always dreaded descriptions, but ever since this semester at college, when we were forced to write a paper pretty much purely based on descriptions (it had a plot, we just were supposed to write it as descriptive as possible), I started to realise I was getting better at it. Thanks for the comment and the encouragement!

    • Karl Tobar

      Did you have fun writing that paper? Maybe you could do something similar (perhaps on a smaller scale, or whatever size suits you) with your action sentences, dialogue, exposition. Try writing a page or so using only dialogue. Or action. You get it. Actually, I think I might do that. Thanks for the idea!

    • Benjamin Paul Clifton

      Ha! I think you mostly gave yourself the idea if it’s all action or dialogue. Thank you for the idea. I’ll definitely have to explore.

    • James Hall

      I’ve thought about doing similar focused practices.

    • Sharron L Hillman-Dwyer

      By day, I hide as a year 2 teacher in remote Queensland. disconnecting from teaching is a challenge, I find solace in writing. My name is Sharron L Hillman-Dwyer and I am an author of a children’s picture book called David’s Space Flight Waking Up. The night skies in the foothills of the magnificent Blue Mountains inspired an interest in space. This is where I was born.
      I have won the Mitchell foundation prize for reflective writing and collaborated with many wildlife groups producing kangaroos our wildlife heritage not an exploitable resource’.
      I enjoy hobbies including crotchet, knitting, gardening, word puzzles and caring for Australian Flora and fauna.

  2. Alicia Rades

    I certainly downplay myself as a writer, especially because I’ve had no formal training. I self-published a novella recently, but I’ve only sold copies to my family members. It doesn’t make me feel quite like an author…yet. So let’s give this self-assurance thing a try.

    Hi! I’m Alicia Rades and I’m a freelance writer, blogger, and author. I’ve been working on building a blog over the last several months that gives tips to writers by using my experiences in freelance writing over the past three years at I recently published my first novella that explores the idea of an afterlife, and I also just finished the first draft of my first full-length novel, which is a New Adult Contemporary. I plan to send this into traditional publishers once I iron out all the kinks. I have a passion for writing and dream that someday I’ll reach a wider audience and show what I can really offer.

    • James Hall

      Good luck! I’ve yet to sample your novella. It certainly looks interest. I don’t know if you though of this, but you are selling it at a price that other indie writers are selling their novels. This might be part of the reason no one is trying it.

      I don’t know. I haven’t published anything yet, so I’m not probably the most reliable source of info or advice.

    • Sherma

      Hi, Alicia

      I’m learning that self-publishing is almost as much work as traditional publishing because the author does all of the marketing. There is a lot of good info out there about to market self-published books. In his book, The Success Principles, Jack Canfield named several ways he marketed his earlier books (pg. 179). It made me realize that there was some real work to do after I gave/sold copies to my family members.

    • Alicia Rades

      Yeah, I think my biggest problem is marketing. I’m not entirely sure where to start, nor do I have a ton of money to put into it.

    • Mary Chris Escobar

      Hi Alicia! Check out Dan Blank’s site for some great tips on marketing for writers. I love his weekly newsletter!

    • Alicia Rades

      Awesome. Thanks for the reference.

    • James Hall

      I did read this and did make a reply… Weird. Anyway.

      I had said something along the line of your novella looked interesting, but it was priced at about the same as most indie novels. But, I’m not published or anything, so it is just an observation. You really want to get your name and writing style out there with your first publication, raising money comes as a bonus. Good luck, Alicia.

    • Alicia Rades

      That’s actually really good advice. I’m just dipping my toes in the water, so that makes a lot of sense. Thank you.

    • eva rose

      I’d love to read your novella! Where can I find it?

    • Alicia Rades

      Thanks for sharing

    • Marianne Richmond

      Hi Alicia! When I read your self-assured description, I see a woman with a LOT of writing experience! And who has much to offer! I would love to read your writings on the afterlife. Losing both my parents in one year has caused me to ponder this very topic!!

    • oddznns

      Ah, ignore my question in comments above. I see it here.

    • oddznns

      HI Alicia, I’ve enjoyed your posts … (we met on Story Cartel or Writepractice… I remember that article about Oxford Comma’s).
      I’d love to read your novella that explores the idea of an afterlife since I’m playing around with one about parallel lives. Can’t seem to find a place to download it on your blog?

    • jiche

      Nice! Well done…

  3. Kay Wilson

    Hi my name is Kay, and I’m a non-published (yet) fiction writer. I have two pieces that I am currently working on, one a Romance/Suspense and the other a Romance/Paranormal. When they are finished I am looking at e-publishing to begin with, then, who knows.
    This piece is so timely, thanks so much for sharing it again.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Hi Kay — thanks for sharing! After e-publishing will come e-marketing, no doubt! 🙂

    • James Hall

      Level-headed and achievable goals. I think you’ll find those goals met if you take the steps to make it happen.

      Good luck!

  4. James Hall

    Hello, my name is James Hall. I love being a writer. It is the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had. Call it intuition, but one day, my fantasy books are going to be read all over the world. But, I try to not let that premonition distract me from writing for fun or writing for me. I stick to level-headed goals and achievable dreams.

    I would love for you to check out my latest work on my blog. Look under the heading “Writing” and you can find an assortment of my short stories and current novel projects. My first fantasy novel is over halfway written now. You can find an introduction to my novel under Writing -> Greybo: A Dwarven Legend.

    • eva rose

      I appreciate your comments on this blog as well as your encouragement.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Thanks for introducing us to what lights you up! I will meander on over…

    • James Hall

      How’s that meandering on over doing?

      If you are more fond of introductory-sized stories that demonstrate my writing, you might look at my flash fiction stories.

    • Margaret Terry

      James, I feel like I know you from all your insights, comments and caring on this forum. I admire your fire for writing and your desire to be read all over the world and I am going to believe that with you. Since I live in Canada, you have a start with this fan outside of the US.

    • James Hall

      Your heartfelt comment is just that, felt by this heart. Thank you!

    • oddznns

      I love that you embrace your writership so easily James. Something I must learn.

    • James Hall

      You can make it anywhere you believe you can. If it is possible for me to be a best seller, I will only achieve that if I believe I can.

    • Karl Tobar

      You’ve got a reader for life in me, James.

    • James Hall

      Between you are Margaret, I know I got a good readership. 🙂

    • Anastacia Maness

      I just took a look at your site, James. I love the old library background with the dragon header. I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

  5. James Hall

    Feelings + people + moments that matter = Marianne Richmond’s keys to being a great and inspirational author!

    How’s that?

    • Marianne Richmond

      My life’s work, James! 🙂

    • James Hall

      Keep up the good work.

      Do you have a collection of your stories, playes, or short stories floating out on the internet somewhere? If so, feel free to post a link to that somewhere, so I can take a sneak peek!

  6. Emma Marie

    Greetings! My name is Emma, and I write. Simple as that. Do I hope and plan to be on the New York Times Bestselling list? Today, no. (I’m still a teenager!) I write because I love creating worlds and people. I love a blank page in front of me, and I like writing whatever comes to my head. That’s bad, because I jump from one story to the next, like a bee chasing after pollen, and never finish anything, but I’m practicing dedication. My only audience is my writing group, which consists of my closest friends. But, yes, I AM A WRITER.

  7. LadyJevonnahEllison

    Well hello there! My name is Jevonnah Ellison and I am a Leadership Coach and Writer. My first book, The Journey to Excellence, will launch early next year. Stay posted for details and sign up for a free gift at

    • Marianne Richmond

      Who wouldn’t want to take that journey? Thank you so much Jevonnah!

  8. William Teague

    I am William Teague a writer and an artist. I’m currently finishing a seedy literary novel called ‘Staggering Past the Bone-Yard’ and will soon be searching for a literary agent to represent me. Another story I’m working on is ‘Jack Kilroy and the Roller Derby Girl’. I recently had an installation at my favorite café of my Abstract Expressionistic paintings during the month of September where I sold two pieces.

    • Marianne Richmond

      … And do you have a link for us to see any of your paintings?

    • William Teague

      Unfortunately I’m not very computer savvy. But I am working on it and hope to have a website soon!

    • James Hall

      I second that, I love art and paintings that I can see. You need to create a portfolio!

      Would love to read your material, William. You seem very much into expressing yourself through creativity, and I’m sure your writing is no different. I, too, am a man of many colors and arts. 🙂

  9. Robert Nielsen

    My name is Robert Nielsen, and I’m a writer. I’m currently working on an alternate-history novel called ‘Armageddon’s Clock,’ set during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and combining two of the most important events of the early 1960’s–the Cuban Missile Crisis itself and the assassination of President Kennedy, which in reality occurred in November of 1963.
    I am still looking at all options in regard to publishing, including e-publishing and traditional publishers, but the manuscript is still raw and unpolished. I am hoping someday to see my book on shelves of bookstores.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Hi Robert! You certainly ARE a writer, given voice to such an important time in history.

    • Robert Nielsen

      Hi, Marianne!

      I used to write mostly fanfiction, specifically Airwolf fanfiction (my favorite TV series growing up in the ’80s), and several of the people who read my stories suggested that I should try and write a book. And, given that military history, including the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis, is one of my main areas of interest, it seemed like a natural fit. The combination of the Crisis with the assassination of President Kennedy should give the conspiracy theorists something to chew on. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

    • James Hall

      Don’t ever give up and one day you will likely see your book(s) in a bookstore.

      A humble man will know more than an arrogant man, for an arrogant man can learn nothing. Keep humble, keep learning!

    • Robert Nielsen

      That quote (“A humble man will know more than an arrogant man..”) Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

    • Margaret Terry

      I love all things Kennedy and intellectual thrillers so it sounds like something I would like to read – when it comes out, I can say, “hey, I met him on The Write Practice…”

    • Robert Nielsen

      I hope you get the chance to say that! 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

    • Robert Nielsen

      Thank you for your kind words! 🙂 Even though I was not alive during Kennedy’s time (I was born in 1970), due to my interest in history, specifically military history and the Cold War, I learned a lot about him during my research into the Bay of Pigs incident and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    • James Hall

      I wonder how many “I met [them] on The Write Practice” I will come across. It is amazing to be so actively involved with talented people chasing their dreams.

  10. Jeff Goins

    So good. When I Started doing this, I went from being an amateur to a professional.

    • Marianne Richmond

      I love what you write about, Jeff. Your concept of embracing the InBetween is one I have spent many an hour pondering. So HARD for the achiever in me. I’m a fan and follower!

    • James Hall

      You are awesome, Jeff, and inspirational!

  11. Max D. Garner

    Hi, My name is Max. I am a Writer. My first book; *Breaking the Addiction Code will be out in Oct.2013. I write spiritual concepts in layman’s terms resulting in freedom.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Thank you Max! Freedom for … who? The reader? “I put into layman’s terms complex spiritual concepts that offer freedom to my readers.” Is this accurate?

    • Max D. Garner

      Thanks for catching my incomplete thot. Yes, the reader, and those who they may help that are caught in some addiction.

  12. Sherma

    Hi! I’m Sherma and I am a writer of Christian fiction and short stories with the odd article thrown in from time to time. My current audience is small but important because it gives me the motivation that I need to continually grow in the craft of writing. I have had a few short stories published in print and electronically. I have a blog that captures whatever is on my mind at the time. Feel free to stop by at

    I am growing into a novelist which is a great challenge. I look forward to publishing the series that is in my head and connecting with readers through the characters they meet in my novels. While I am writing, I am also investigating publishing options for new writers–traditional or self publish? I don’t know yet. This writing thing is a journey, and I am enjoying it.

    • Marianne Richmond

      I am IMPRESSED Sherma. Nice to meet you!

    • Sherma

      Thanks. I really enjoyed this post because it is very practical.

    • James Hall

      Publishing is filled with more questions than answers it seems. It all too often depends on the book, genre, and specifics. I wish you luck on your journey. What would you be most proud of your blog? Share a link to a favorite work of yours.

  13. 1GreekAmericanWoman1


    • Marianne Richmond

      Saw that and tried to edit… but need to get Joe to do it. Thanks!

  14. Justine Manzano

    I try not to do this, but I still have my shy moments. Let’s give this a try!

    Hello all, my name is Justine Manzano – I am currently working on revising an Urban Fantasy Novel and a Romantic Comedy Novel. I have several short stories making the submission rounds, and I’m working on outlines for future novels. I also run my own blog at

    • Marianne Richmond

      Thank you Justine. If we were at a dinner party, my next statement would be, “Oooh… tell me the plot of your Romance Novel. I’m quite happy with a fireplace, a cup of cocoa and some good chick lit!”

    • Justine Manzano

      Thank you! This is usually where I would get nervous because I write strange things. Okay, let’s give it a go!

      My romance novel is is about a recent divorcee who is trying to rebuild her life with the guidance of her imaginary friend – her favorite TV character.

      You see. I write weird things. 😉

    • Margaret Terry

      I love this idea, Justine! I am an empty nester who has been a single mom for 20 years – an imaginary friend would be awesome! Who would it be? Hmmmm…. John Boy from The Waltons? (he was a writer and so grounded) or Jack from Will and Grace? 🙂

    • Justine Manzano

      Thank you! Hers is a military commander with a sarcastic sense of humor. Yours should be Jack from Will and Grace, I think he would be way more fun. 😉

    • James Hall

      Bill Nye the Science Guy.

    • James Hall

      Would love a link to some of your best works. I always like linking to good and short-winded samples of my work to introduce myself.

    • Justine Manzano

      There are links to my published work at my blog: Unfortunately, I am not an extremely prolific short story writer, so there is only one published piece available for reading, aside from my semi-monthly blog posts. 🙂

  15. James Hall

    Watch Out! I just saw one of my posts disappear from this topic, and couldn’t post on another. Refreshed, and it was gone. Weird stuff, backup your posts.

  16. eva rose

    Hi, I’m Eva Rose and have been a writer most of my life. I write non-fiction short stories and poems and have been published in print and on-line. My goal is to publish a collection of stories which champion the inspiring side of life. We need something to lift us up after the news media! I haven’t decided on a title for my book or who my audience might be. I’ll need to be involved in social media to accomplish my goal. I don’t need to be on the best-seller list, just to know my writing has made a difference in someone’s life.

    • James Hall

      Did you delete your last post? because it kind of just up and disappeared.

      I thought you had said something about like a blank page or something… anyway, if I’m mistaken, this was to be my response:

      I hate a blank page in front of me. I love a full page in front of me.

      Yes, to make a difference, that is a true and noble goal.

    • eva rose

      Did not delete last post and don’t think I mentioned a blank page but thanks for your comment!.

    • Margaret Terry

      Hi Eva Rose – will be watching for that book. I think you are going to LOVE the ways your stories touch hearts and lives….

    • oddznns

      I love that you’ve the commitment to want to make a difference Eva Rose.

    • James Hall

      Keep working on those goals and lining up the steps to get there. You’ll make it!

  17. Christy

    My name is Christy and I am a writer. I have dabbled in writing off and on since middle school and have recently started taking writing seriously. I feel very fortunate to be able to stay at home, raise my kids, tend to my family and write. I don’t take one day for granted.

    I am currently working on a novel – I supposed it could be considered Adult Contemporary. I am still learning the ropes and would like to build a reader base as well as get my work out to larger audiences. Eventually I would like to see my writing in print and be able to share my stories with people.

    I am still very shy about sharing my writing. My husband is the only person who has read what I am currently working on. I like to write about real-life situations and I am a sucker for a great romance story 🙂

    I am stepping out of my comfort zone by signing up for some writing classes as well as sharing my writing with this community of writers. I am very glad to be a part of this group.

    • Marianne Richmond

      You will gain so much from your writing group. I am currently in a Personal Writing class and I learn so much from reading my work aloud to a supportive audience. Yay for progress!

    • James Hall

      Well I hope your writing makes it out to larger audiences. I’m actually from a skinnier audience, but I still would love to be part of your audience. 😛

      Share your stories. I’d love to hear them.

    • Christy

      Thank you so much James!!

  18. madeline40

    Good to know I’m not alone. Thanks for the permission and the ways to toot my own horn – especially in getting rid of that self-critic.

  19. Leslie Quigless

    Hi, my name is Leslie, and I’m a writer and tutoring business owner. I write women’s fiction. I have published one novel and am working on a short story and second novel. I also maintain a creative writing blog at my website,

    • Margaret Terry

      Hi Leslie – I just checked out your website and watched your video on how to write back story. What a great idea to do that…

    • Leslie Quigless

      Hi Margaret, thanks so much!!

    • James Hall

      Good luck! I wonder how many men read women’s fiction.

  20. kathunsworth

    I am writing and illustrating picture books and what a learning curve that is turning out to be. I also write young adult fiction and am about to attempt Nanowrimo challenge. When I started my blog a year ago I called myself an aspiring writer. After many posts, guest post, almost finished first picture book and linking up with many other passionate writers I now tell people that is what I am doing. This is a huge thing for me and I smile every time I hear my daughter say my mum is writing a book. It is not a question of if I will get published now, just a question of when my time is right.

    • Marianne Richmond

      You’re not aspiring if you’re DOING! Congrats on all your success!

    • James Hall

      You are a writer with aspirations.

  21. Helen Earl

    I always make the distinction that I’m a writer, not an author, because I’ve yet to make any money from it. However, I have started introducing myself as ‘an award winning writer’ since I entered two pieces of fan-fiction [which a lot of people don’t count as ‘proper’ writing but still] into an international competition for the 20th anniversary of Quantum Leap. They were both shortlisted to the final 10 and ultimately placed 6th and 3rd! I have also started writing a series of children’s picture books – 4 so far – which I’m hoping to get published once I can find an illustrator to realize my vision for the stories.

    • Victoria James

      Congratulations! An award-winning writer indeed! Look forward to seeing some of your published work 😀

    • Margaret Terry

      Hi Helen – congrats on being an award winning writer! I struggle with calling myself an author too. I have sold 2 books to publishers (first one got dropped by Random House when the economy tanked in 2008) but when I say “author” people expect me to have a NYTimes book or some notoriety and it makes us both feel uncomfortable. Writer sounds friendlier and people understand my rust bucket better when I say that…

    • Matthew A. Browning

      “…when I say ‘author’ people expect me to have a NYTimes book or some notoriety and it makes us both feel uncomfortable.” – This is so true! I’m an agented author whose debut is being shopped around, so I can at least add that in when I say “I’m a writer.” But I’m still getting used to leading with that response instead of my day job.

    • Margaret Terry

      this is such an exiting time for you, Matthew – good luck! I hope your book finds the right home…

    • Marianne Richmond

      One of these posts I’m going to write about the whole NY Times list thing! It’s a game to be played and not the spontaneous discovery of amazing work.

    • Karl Tobar

      Much congratulations on finishing in the top ten! Two pieces in the top ten–that’s something awesome. You have a lot to be proud of so far. I wish you the best of luck in moving forward.

    • James Hall

      Keeping writing. It is always nice to meet an award-winning writer.

  22. Gill Andrews

    Hi. I’m Gill. I’m an IT consultant by day and a writer by night,
    currently working on becoming a writer by day and an IT consultant not
    at all. I don’t write fiction or novels. I write true stories that make
    people smile, but also think about life from a different perspective. I
    write in different styles, from essays to rants or tips on grammar. Once I’ve gathered more experience and learned couple of more things about writing, I would like to become a freelancer writing for a newspaper, making more people smile, but also think about life from a different perspective.

    • Alicia Rades

      Your dreams sound great! I’ve heard of so many people giving up their day job for writing, so it’s not that difficult of a goal to achieve.

    • Gill Andrews

      Thank you for encouragement, Alicia. I’m looking forward to see how it all works out.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Hi Gill! Yours are exactly the kind of stories I love. I just listened to Delia Ephron speak at the Twin Cities Book Festival and her newest book is just that — true stories from her life that make people smile and nod in recognition. I think it’s called Mother, Daughter, Husband, Dog — or something along those lines…

    • Gill Andrews

      Thank you for the great tip! I’m always looking for interesting books. True stories are my favorite kinds of stories to read, too. Somehow there are only a few fiction works that really resonated with me, and all of them are the famous classics. I recently got myself a book “House of Stone” by Anthony Shadi, a journalist who was reporting from Middle East. His descriptive language is fascinating. It is as if I were there myself. I hope to pick up some tricks from his writing.

    • oddznns

      Hi Gill, love that you’re doing something by day and writing by night. It makes me feel more like a “proper” writer to know others are also doing this juggling.

    • Gill Andrews

      Thanks 🙂 But I’m sure there are lots of people out there managing it this way, much more than one might think. I won’t be surprised if they once do a survey and find out that it’s the majority.

    • James Hall

      Programmer by day, writer by night. I know where you are coming from. Add in a couple of rowdy kids, and you’ve got a recipe for great literature!

      I write both non-fiction and fiction, both both are nothing more than a medium to send the same messages.

    • Gill Andrews

      Way ahead of you, James. Was running out of ideas for my stories, so decided to get a kid. One hears they are a great source of inspiration. Will stick with one for now to see how it goes 🙂

  23. Victoria James

    Hi, I’m Victoria and I’m a writer! I’m a psychologist by day, but am currently working on my first full-length novel by night – a post-apocalyptic thriller.
    I’ve been writing since I think I COULD write. I had a primary school teacher who encouraged me, who I’ve always said my first book would be dedicated to. I have a collection of poems, short stories and novellas that I’m written since about the age of 9-10, and hope one day that I can make writing a full time career.
    I’d be extremely happy if a publisher picked up my book, but if not, I’m keen to self-publish as the bits that I’ve showed to people so far seem to have garnered a lot of interest!

    • Benjamin Paul Clifton

      Nice to meet you, Victoria! Post-Apocolyptic thrillers are especially interesting to me. Send a copy my way when it’s done! I’d love to read it.

    • Victoria James

      Thanks, Benjamin! I’ll keep you up to date!

    • James Hall

      Pssh! Publishers would have to be dumb not to pick up your book, and that is just based on samples. Can’t wait to read it!

    • Victoria James

      Aw, thanks, James! You’re always so encouraging!

    • Margaret Terry

      Hi Victoria! I had a teacher who encouraged me too – in fact my very first paid story was in grade 4 when I won $5 for writing an essay about what I would wish for if I had one wish – back then $5 was a king’s ransom. I still remember how it felt when she announced my name…

    • James Hall

      So you are a child prodigy. I knew it!

    • Margaret Terry

      not! I won the $5 but she wouldn’t print it in the school paper (printed with a mimeograph machine, so dating myself) The title was The Girl Who Didn’t Feel. My wish was to not feel anything – she was a good teacher who understood broken families and was protecting me 🙂

    • James Hall

      I’m anxious to be the first to read it! Your writing is so vivid and interesting, every time I see your thumbnail I’m anxiously reading it to find the latest heart-pounding excerpt.

  24. Erin Daly

    Hello! My name is Erin and I’ve written for a lot of different things, including my college’s (now alma mater) newspaper, website, and 2 of its magazines. I’ve also had work published in my college’s literary magazine and one of those pieces won third place in the school’s annual writing contest, so I guess I’m an award-winning writer? I’ve also written for an archdiocesan newspaper and a website called Catholics on Call. I currently write about life for my own personal blog ( I also write about self-love and self-worth for So Worth Loving, and I write about music for The Write Teachers. Right now I don’t think my blog audience is very big; it’s mostly friends, family, and my small handful of followers who read it. I’d say the audience I aspire to reach is young adults. I once thought that writing was my vocation, but now I’m not sure. As of right now I don’t have aspirations to make writing my full-time job, but I’d still like to dedicate more time to it and to develop a solid vision for my blog and to build an audience.

    • Benjamin Paul Clifton

      Keep writing and you’ll do great! Come on here every day and do the practice. I’ve seen my writing skills get better by tenfold. And I haven’t been around all that long. You must be a quite the writer to be award winning and published in college magazines…

    • James Hall

      Based on that you said you like to write about self-love and self-worth, which are excellent topics, I felt you might enjoy two short stories (< 1000 words each) that I wrote:
      To Autumn
      Reflections of a Mirror

      I would love to read more of your writing. I’m sure I’ll find much of it inspiring.

      Good luck with your blog! I hope you find more success.

    • James Hall

      For some reason it wouldn’t let me post a direct reply to Erin. Sorry Benjamin!

  25. William Teague

    Unfortunately I’m not very computer savvy. But I am working on it and hope to have a website soon.

    • James Hall

      Good luck, would love to see it.

  26. Margaret Terry

    Thank you Marianne for such a grand idea to allow this community to get to
    know each other better. I have always wondered about the members of this group
    and their writing journeys!

    My name is Margaret Terry and I am a storyteller. Writer. Speaker.
    Published author. (My son says I should write award winning author, so here you
    go, Patrick – my book Dear Deb won Best Life Stories and Best General Market
    Book at the Canadian Word Awards in June 2013) Dear Deb is my first book and
    it’s a book that was never planned. It’s a memoir via a collections of letters I
    sent a friend during the last six months of her life. As she was losing her life, I
    gave her pieces of mine. One letter at a time. The letters grew wings and
    traveled to over seven countries. After a promise to publish them in a book, I
    negotiated a deal sans agent with Thomas Nelson who published the book Oct.
    2012. I was notified recently they just sold the rights to the second largest
    publishers in Russia. Makes me do the Snoopy happy dance to think Deb will be in
    Russia, a place she always dreamed of visiting.

    I am currently working on a novel called “The Year of Letting Go” about a
    recently widowed woman who discovers she is bankrupt and decides to sell
    everything in her house to try to keep her house. (my house is for sale, BTW) As she sells pieces of art,
    jewellery etc, a piece of her past is revealed.

    I am known for writing life
    stories about overcoming and persevering that are inspirational and give hope.
    I can’t imagine a greater gift than to be able to use my life experiences to do
    that (other than the gift of my sons who are often the stars of my stories)

    I currently get paid to speak about the importance of sharing our stories,
    about vulnerability and how our wild and messy lives can be used to help each
    other. I am surprised and grateful for this exciting work as the book business
    doesn’t pay the mortgage…(yet!) I also enter short story writing contests
    which continue to pay the upkeep on my seventeen year old car that has only one
    working window.

    I have dreamed of being a writer since I was six years old. To hold my
    first book in my hands the week I turned 60 felt like a great triumph and the
    most humbling experience of my life. No matter how hard the work, I know I
    didn’t do it alone…

    • Karl Tobar

      To me, you are one of the most important people in this community. All these things you have written and accomplished are right there under your belt, and you continue to give and give and give helpful advice and the whole time I had no idea that I was hearing from a published author, a veteran in the field, an expert, more or less. Your humbleness is heartwarming and enviable!
      I love that Dear Deb will be in Russia. In a way, she will travel there. Thanks for being a part of this community. I hope you continue being a wonderful person and lend your helping hands to those of us who are trying to get where you are. 🙂

    • Margaret Terry

      Karl, if you lived close by, I’d have to make you my new best friend – such kind words! Veteran, maybe (there are days I feel I’ve been to war and back), published yes, but expert? Naaaah. I think I’ve learned more about navigating this industry called publishing than I have about the craft of writing. It’s not an industry for the feint of heart that’s for sure and once we begin to swim in its waters, it takes so much energy that the writing can become secondary… Which is why I need this community as much as anyone here. We all stretch ourselves to terrifying limits by giving pieces of our hearts in our words and this forum provides a soft place to land and hands to help us get up again to keep going. I am writing fiction for the first time and don’t know what I’m doing most days. There are writers here who are talented fiction writers who help me just by allowing me to read their work (you are included in that group) Being able to comment is the bonus. It improves my own work each time I use my editing eyes to read yours. I feel so blessed to know you, Karl. Thanks so much for your comments, each and every one.

    • James Hall

      We feel blessed to know you and we love your comments as well. I think I can speak for all of us.

    • Margaret Terry

      thx, James. Such kindness and care here. I’ve had many jobs in highly competitive industries and this is the only job I’ve had where colleagues truly care and invest in each others success .

    • James Hall

      You write about such moving and important topics. I can only hope that my fantasy novels say half the things your amazing stories tell. I would love to read your works. Is there anywhere I can find them?

      Your mention of vulnerability reminded me of a speech I listened to in the Story Cartel Course. Sounds like you do work that is similar to Brene Brown’s.

      I find you to be an inspiration and, yes, very much an expert.

    • Margaret Terry

      I LOVE Brene Brown – her TED talks, amazing, her work and mission so important. I wish I could say I was in that league! I do some speaking to much smaller audiences,(most I’ve spoken to “live” is a few hundred) But the talks are a huge gift to me. I meet so many people who step up to share their story after they have heard mine – I love that part. The connection. Being in the same boat no matter where our journey began.

    • James Hall

      That is more than I’ve ever spoken to. I’ve had about 3000 hits on one my newest short story because WordPress decided to host it. Yet, I hate public speaking for the namely. I think it is so amazing that you make such an effort to motivate and inspire others. You are awesome, Margaret.

    • Margaret Terry

      Looks like we have a mutual fan club, James. You give tons to this community with your comments/edits and conversations. And now, hosting a practice, so grand! I wish I could send you to something I’ve written but I don’t blog. I want to write books and blogging takes too much time away from book writing for me. Alas, so does speaking but the speaking pays and I love meeting people. BTW, I just read a good article on acting that I thought translates well for writers – might make a fun practice…

    • James Hall

      When I started my blog, it was going to simply be a dump of things I’ve written and nothing more. I get into it a little more now, but, if you let it, it can take some time. Mostly, though, all posts are things to do with practicing writing, tips, short stories, or updates on my book. You might be surprised at how optional WordPress is. Plus, I’ve made my blog look more like a website because that is what it is to me! I don’t have time to jack my jaw all day as others seem to.

      I encourage you though to join the WordPress community and host some of your writing on there. It makes an excellent place to share your writing and a place to reference interested audiences.

      I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one from The Write Practice that would come to have a look-see.

      If you decide to do so, let me know if you have (ANY)ANY (ANY) questions! I would LOVE the opportunity to make suggestions and help you out. Oh, and keep us posted if you decided to host your writings!

      Come and Join WordPress Margaret! Share Your Story!

    • James Hall

      Great article. My self-worth might be fueled a little by success and feedback, but I’m a writer and I know it! Go all in and have a blast. Who cares what happens next! I write this story! This is MY story!

  27. Richard R. Binkele

    Thanks, great article. I worked for a large corporation as a writer/editor for nearly 20 years. Great pay but much of the stuff I did didn’t have a byline and even when it did I always felt inferior to those who were making “a name” for themselves. Now I’m retired and transitioning to authoring novels and it’s a struggle to overcome that inner critic, but I know I’ve got to do it if I expect to find any success in my new career.
    Rich Binkele

    • James Hall

      Don’t let that internal critique sabotage you! Write and write freely. Then, you might let the editor side take a peek. Then, and most importantly, share it with us!

  28. MichiganKim

    “Hi, my name is Kim Smith. I write a blog about how nature can be
    a coping mechanism for sensitive people when they feel overwhelmed. I’m also working on a book on the same subject.”

    How’s that? It felt scary just to type it. But as I recently wrote on my blog, it’s time to come out of the closet as a writer and really go for it. I’m proud to say that I attended my first writer’s conference a couple weeks ago and am preparing to participate in NaNoWriMo to explore fiction writing. I have so much I want to say about so many things that it’ll take me a while to determine what to focus on first. I’m glad to have found this community and look forward to giving and receiving support on our mutual journey.

    (If you’re interested, here’s where I wrote about wanting to be a “real” writer:

    • James Hall

      This sounds really interesting. It is horrifying to know that so many people are spending more and more time indoors. Work is indoors, fun is indoors. There is such wonder, inspiration, and calmness out in the woods than a city could ever offer. I’m saddened that so many take it for granted.

      I followed your blog, I look forward to you sharing your fiction with us. Good luck with NaNoWriMo. I plan to attempt writing on my second fiction piece during NaNoWriMo. But, I’ll be starting a new programming job at the same time and deep into an online writing course at the Story Cartel (also hosted by Joe Bunting).

    • MichiganKim

      Thank you, James. I poked around on your blog a bit too, and I have to tell you that “Bystander Effect” was in my mind for days after I read it. Very powerful writing.

    • James Hall

      Thank you. It is so wonderful to hear comments like that. It never gets old, and always makes me want to go write more.

  29. Birgitte Rasine

    Marianne, this post brings back a very distinct memory. I was living on a sailboat in Marina del Rey, Los Angeles and working in Hollywood (on set, in camera & lighting and visual effects — lots of stories there…).

    That was the very first time I told someone “I’m a writer” — one evening in the bar of the Marina del Rey Hotel, during a happy hour. I had not yet been published, but that didn’t matter. I knew it since I was six years old, and I knew it would come soon enough. And it did.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Don’t you love when specific memories are triggered? There are like long forgotten historical gems that we get to unearth!! I want to share coffee and hear all about LA…

    • Birgitte Rasine

      Wouldn’t that be fun… where are you based Marianne? I don’t suppose you’re anywhere in the Bay Area (Cali)?

    • Marianne Richmond

      I wish that I was. Minneapolis for now. Hoping to make a change…

    • Birgitte Rasine

      Well, how about then whichever one of us visits the other’s city first (or close enough), gives the other a heads up for coffee? 🙂

    • James Hall

      I’ve got to get around to reading some of your stuff. I’ve found you to be an excellent writer with tons of experience.

  30. oddznns

    Hello there.
    My name is Audrey Chin and I’m a writer.
    The global version of my novel As the Heart Bones Break is being launched on November 2nd and you can get an advance review copy at for the next 2 weeks.
    The North Amercian version’s being marketed to publishers right now and and there’s a free giveaway now on Goodreads at

    I’ve had other things published, so I know I’m a writer. But, I still feel shy about saying it. I’m not sure why. Perhaps when I was little, it wasn’t considered a proper vocation.
    Perhaps when I’m more widely read 😉

    • James Hall

      Interesting. I will have to read your book set in Vietnam. I’ve been thinking about writing a short story about the My Lai massacre.

  31. Karl Tobar

    Hello, Write Practice community! I’m Karl, much obliged. I write stories. My target audience is one that enjoys the darker side of things: ghosts, insanity, isolation, psychological insight (why is this person crazy?), and generally distasteful truths. Since I’m always focused on “What comes next?” as far as my stories go, I do hope to make a living writing them. I don’t pay attention to the slim chances or the statistics. I’m going for it. I won’t stop. Writing stories and getting lost in the worlds I create is therapeutic and fun and exciting. I look at it this way: the more I write, the more people will read. And I’m tired of everybody constantly bent over a cell phone or iPad and always talking about “apps” and on the whole, literature is unappreciated by more people than ever before. I want to be able to say I contributed to the written word. I want to get so good at telling stories that somebody, someday, might read something I wrote and say, “That’s what I want to do.”

    • James Hall

      That’s what I want to do!

    • Karl Tobar

      Mission accomplished! All is well that ends well. I can go home now. 😉

    • James Hall

      Enjoy your early retirement. You deserve it!

    • James Hall

      What the hell is an iPad anyway?

      What the hell is literature about anyway?

      Can you guess which side of the line I’m on?

      Unappreciated! Write it anyway! I’d rather fail at publishing literary quality material than to become famous for publishing garbage. Put that in your Twitter and Smoke it!

    • Karl Tobar

      I’m not sure I get what you are getting at. . .but. . .I don’t have a Twitter? And if Twitter came in a pack of twenty with a surgeon general’s warning on the box, I definitely wouldn’t smoke it!

    • James Hall

      I can’t tell if you are being completely facetious or not. I meant that classic literature and stuff is under-appreciated. I’m saying write something that you can be proud of. I wouldn’t honestly be proud to be the author of Twilight.

    • Karl Tobar

      I think I couldn’t tell if you were being facetious, either, at first, but now I’m with you–yes, 100% The thing is, I smoke cigarettes, so what I was saying is that if Twitter was a cigarette I wouldn’t smoke it.
      Okay, we’re on the same team. Let’s show these kids what a good story should be. 😉

    • James Hall

      I’m an ex-smoker of ten years. Almost been a year without a cigarette. Too damn expensive!

    • Karl Tobar

      And how. It’s on and off for me, though lately it’s been more “on.” 🙁

    • James Hall

      1. Don’t buy them. It’s hard smoke them if you don’t have them to smoke.
      2, When I ran out of cigarettes, I switched to E-cigars. I had like 12 cartridges. Once they were gone, I quit.

    • Karl Tobar

      Congratulations, too! I applaud your quitting.

    • Margaret Terry

      wow, such a lovely goal, Karl! I believe you will get there too. “..insanity, isolation, psychological insight (why is this person crazy?)” Now I know why I am drawn to your work. I come from crazy people…writing is my therapy and one of the ways I make sense of my past.

    • Karl Tobar

      That’s an awesome way to make sense of your past. I imagine it’s a good way for you to release some pressure so it doesn’t build up and blow out on a highway somewhere.

  32. MyAvasavalot

    Hello my name is Ava Mauriello and I have just started down this career path. I do not have a blog, but I have a vlog on YouTube with a web series called Thorns and I have an independent film critique segment. Please check out my YouTube channel. I would love to hear your feedback! My goals would be to have my channel become more successful (and higher budget haha!). Also I would love to write/direct short films and eventually independent features! I would love to be like Shane Carruth. I would like to make films independently without going the Hollywood route, so I can have more creative control.

    -James how do you connect the word “blog” to your hyperlink? I would like to do that 🙂

    • James Hall

      Sorry it took me so long to get to you on this!

      Okay, it is a basic HTML anchor tag created like this (minus the brackets. The text goes in between the tags, the link goes inside of a quoted href attribute.

      My YouTube Channel

      I will have to check out your vlog sometime. Hope this helps.

    • James Hall

      Sorry, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to catch up on my reading.

      Creating a hyperlink like that is really easy. It is an HTML anchor tag done like so without the brackets.

      What is placed between the tags becomes the visible text, what is placed in the HREF attribute is what the link is.

      A link to YouTube

      I’m interesting in looking at your vlog. I hope this helps.

  33. Anne Peterson

    Loved the quote, “Talent and ability are not always cash-making but are still real and worth our belief.”

    I am a poet, speaker and author. I have to write, for me it’s like breathing.

    • Marianne Richmond

      Look forward to hearing more of your work!

    • James Hall

      It’s nice to see you, Anne. It has been wondrous reading your stories in the Story Cartel Course. I think it would be great to see you over here on The Write Practice is well.

  34. Anastacia Maness

    Hi! My name is Anastacia Maness. I am a preacher’s wife, homeschooling mother of 6 blessings, and a writer. When I’m not busy chasing my blessings, I’m writing about them at

    My goal is to help build up and strengthen families. I’ve also written a book entitled “Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment”. It is free to download (no email address required at least for now) at

    I am currently writing a 31 Day series on Building Commitment based upon my book and hope to turn it into an expanded edition.

    Thanks for letting me practice. I really enjoy your posts. 🙂

    • James Hall

      Your writing sounds very informative and inspiration. I will have to check it out, especially since it is free.

      Keep chasing those blessings!

    • James Hall

      I love your Rock Solid Family. Although it was a little short, it was thoughtful, truthful, and witty. I think my favorite line was do things for your wife before she asks. My wife is always asking, especially if I’m trying to write.

      I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone. Good advice!

    • Anastacia Maness

      Thank you, James. I am glad you enjoyed it and got something out of it. I had a lot more I could have said but wanted it to be an easy quick read. I am planning to write a bigger book on the same subject but a little more in depth. Thanks for checking it out! 🙂

  35. Elise White

    I’m a bit late, but hey there, I’m Elise White. I have loved writing and drawing all of my life. I work as a receptionist, but I enjoy do writing jobs and selling my artwork online ( I had my first book published last year, a guide on how to draw people

    I am signed up for NaNoWriMo this year and my goal is to write my modern take on Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South, which will be titled On the Near North Side.

    • Margaret Terry

      Hi Elise. Wow, I didn’t know you were so multi talented. Saw your Etsy page and really like your work – loved the initial/finger pendant, so creative.

    • Elise White

      Thanks for checking it out, Margaret!

    • James Hall

      You have amazing people-drawing skills. I can sketch anything, but I’ve always been terrible at drawing mental pictures.

  36. srvnGod

    Once again you’ve blessed me. By the way Jeff since I read your book I AM A WRITER!

  37. cherylpickett

    timing for this post. I’ve got a couple books under my belt and working
    on the hard part-the sales. I often still stumble when asked what I do,
    but I said it without hesitation for some reason this morning in front
    of a group of strangers and well known author Jon Acuff.
    Crazy thing was it felt completely natural, not sure why it came so
    easily today, but I need to figure out how to duplicate it that’s for

    • James Hall

      Natural. It would be nice for it to sound natural. One of these days, it will.

    • Marianne Richmond

      I agree Mary — what a wonderful group!!

    • James Hall

      Well, if no one else has, I would love to welcome you to this community. It is one of the best places for writers to become better writers.

  38. Orlando

    Hello my name is Orlando Sanchez.I write martial arts and paranormal thrillers. My first book The Spiritual Warriors is currently available on Amazon. I’m currently working on my second book which is in beta reader stage, which I dread lol.

    I have been writing for a few years now, but only over the last two years did I embrace the title-writer. It took a while, but once I did I started enjoying writing everyday and introducing myself(when asked) as a writer.
    Very nice meeting you all. Its great to find other writers out there who may be going through the same things I went and go through as an indie.

    You can find my book at

    Some of my thoughts, rants and learning experiences are on my blog:

    • James Hall

      It is wonderful to have advice from such a seasoned writer!

  39. themagicviolinist

    Hi, my name is Kate, and I am a writer. Though I don’t have any books published (yet) I do write on several blogs and am currently searching for a literary agent!

    Hey, that wasn’t too hard. 🙂

    • James Hall

      Did she mention that she is the best darN 13-year-old writer in the world?

      I think your writing is magical, Kate. I’m so inspired and moved by your youthful dedication. I wish I had had that dedication at your age.

      By the way, where can I find more of your writing, Kate? I’ve been anxious to read more of your prose. What I have read has been so poetic!

    • themagicviolinist

      Aww, thank you so much, James. 🙂

      Well, there’s my blog (, but if you go to my blog and look at the sidebar as you scroll down, you can see other blogs I’ve contributed to in the past, including links to all of my posts on The Write Practice. Hope this helps! 🙂 And thanks again!

    • Tanya Miranda

      The short bio on your website is awesome! Where the heck was I when I was 13?….Oh yeah, wishing I could grow up and become a writer! I used to spend days sketching and writing poems and shorts in my hard-cover, black, unlined sketch books. I wish I had known then that people actually made a living as a writer. When I grew up (still in the process) I studied computer science and got a programming job, so I can tell you straight up that GIFs are really, REALLY boring. 😛

      Your writing voice is beautiful, and I LOVE the hearts all over your blog!!

    • themagicviolinist

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  40. LadyJevonnahEllison

    Thank you Marianne! What a sweet comment. Hope to share the book soon. Getting excited!!!

  41. Tanya Miranda

    I needed this post, like, two years ago! But, better late than never. Here goes….

    Hi Everyone! My name is Tanya and I’m a writer, dreamer, inter-galactic super hero, and mother of two little aliens posing as human children. Whenever I’m not shipping one of these tiny beings to school, soccer, softball, piano, or the dentist, I write short stories and novels in all genres. I’m currently editing a modern day fantasy novel and finishing up the first draft of a supernatural middle grade story. In between I search for prompts online that usually turn into short stories on my blog, I also post my fantastic follies, some inspirational true stories, and log my rocky trek across the land of self publishing. Stop by my blog to read, comment, share, or just to say hi!


    There, that wasn’t so bad. But then again, if we actually met in person, I’d probably just say, “Hi. The name’s Tanya. I’m a writer damn it! Check out my blog Peace!”

    Not sure which one is better. 🙂

    • Marianne Richmond

      LOVED this intro!!! I will certainly check out your blog!

    • Tanya Miranda

      Yay! Hope you like what you read Marianne.

    • James Hall

      I liked the first one better, but I cannot undermine the effectiveness of the last one, either! Share your story with ATTITUDE!

      I, too, am not taken to any specific genre. I love to write whatever I want.

    • Tanya Miranda

      Hi James. Thanks and enjoy the shorts!

  42. Teia Blackshear Collier

    Hi Y’all, my name is Teia Collier, and I am writer. I’ve had a long journey to get here from playing politics on the Hill to event planning, but I am honored to call myself a writer. In the near future, I plan to publish a series of romances based on the rockstar women of Biblical history told through the lens of a modern perspective. Cheers to sharing the path.

    • James Hall

      Ancieno-Modern Romance. Sounds like the grounds for a new sub-genre. I’m glad to share the path to being a writer with you!

  43. Catherine

    Hello, my name is Catherine. I am a writer as well as a high school student. I’ve been working on my very first novel, which integrates fantasy into a modern day setting. I decided to give writing my first book (this same novel) a try 3 years ago in the seventh grade, when I came up with an idea for a story that I myself was dying to read. However, I was naïve and believed that all there was to writing a book was sitting down and typing away at a computer screen. To my credit, I did end up with 9 chapters during that time period, but I soon realized that my male protagonist who was meant to be a caring, wise, brave hero to support my heroine came off as mysterious, slightly off putting, stalker-like figure. I ended that draft there. Eventually, I realized there was much more to writing than that. As I continued to read, develop my ‘voice’, and learn about writing in general, I grew more confident in my abilities and decided that I would not give up on my story that I believed should be told. Last year I received second place in a national essay contest and won $500 for it. I was floored. Now, I am taking AP English Language and Composition course as one of my classes and I have joined the newly formed Writing Club that I’m very excited to be a part of. Other than that I am a Highschool student with a dream and a passion I’m trying to put into action. Now if only my teachers would understand that my sole purpose in life is not completing homework- then I’d be set. The thing I really need right now is a kick in the pants.

    • James Hall

      Get out there and kick some ass or I’ll kick it for you!

      Keep chasing those dreams, Catherine, keep writing with passion. The rest will follow, I promise.

      Share your stories with us, we’d love to hear them!

    • Catherine

      Thank you James. I hope you don’t mind if I quote you (hopefully I’m not misquoting you), but “That heartfelt comment was just that- felt by this heart!” Thank you for all your encouragement! Eventually, you’ll get a taste of some of my stories through the practices- don’t you worry. 😉

  44. wrose

    Hello. I write because it makes me feel better in life. I am a writer.

  45. Ana Spoke

    Hi, I am Ana Spoke. I am currently writing a comedy/satirical novel – making fun of everything from “Fifty Shades of Gray” to “Fight Club” to Hollywood movies.

    I am going to publish it one chapter at a time on my blog –

    I have a lot of fun writing – in fact I giggle most of the time while writing or proof reading, which makes the process a joy. I hope I make other people laugh as well, which in the future may mean actually seeing my books in print.
    Thank you very much for helping out wannabes like me!

    • James Hall

      Ana Spoke and then there was humor.

      Sounds like a great novel that would be filled with laughs from cover to cover. I will have to check it out!

  46. Beck Gambill

    I introduced myself as a writer once. Scared me to death.

    • Marianne Richmond

      This made me laugh!! But look — you survived! 🙂

    • James Hall

      Then, I became one…

      Ah! Ah! Scary!

  47. Orlando

    James thanks for the warm words! Yes seasoned like a dose of sriracha chased by some jalapenos! I’m still starting out in this writing life but its been a fun ride so far !

  48. Alani Keiser

    Hello! My name is Alani Keiser and I’m a writer. When I was a kid I wanted to be a fireman. Kidding! I really wanted to be a journalist. After leaving school I, unfortunately, could not get into University so I had to take to an office chair and do insurance (it was for the money).
    During the years I kept my passion going by writing poetry and songs… which I have won awards for.
    Fast forward to 15 years later… I resigned at my insurance job and started as a freelance writer.
    To date I have written articles, web content, press releases, poetry for children and I am now about to start writing my first novel (there’s just too much in my head and my dreams to keep on a leash).
    Much love


    Hi, I’m Olivia. I’m a writer. I publish a successful wellness newsletter every week with practices, affirmations, and journal prompts. I’m currently writing a guided journal and a children’s book. I aspire to become a self-help author.

    I am looking for publications to continue publishing blogs and articles centering health and wellness. This was a lovely and helpful practice, I hate that I stumble when asked “what I do.” Honestly, I find it to be such a trivializing and demoralizing question!


  50. Jake Ash Strife

    Greetings and salutations.I’m Jake, and I’m a prolific writer of six different series, I am also character designer.I’m currently preparing to write the next draft of the third book in my Dark Dayz saga. I hope to have it published early next year, then have the narrator for the series complete the audiobook version and have that published by March.I’ve published multiple books and audiobooks, but I am ready to find my cartel and market them, and future releases.


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