30 November Writing Prompts

by Sue Weems | 2 comments

November is here! It's a perfect time to dust off your writing journal (the one you got for the holidays last year?) and start exploring some creative writing ideas before the end of the year. Today we have 30 November writing prompts to get you started. Let's go!

30 November Writing Prompts title against light blue background with two maple leaves in red and orange

We're deep into fall in the United States, and here, November is usually marked by American holidays such as Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving. If you're a football fan, the college competition is usually heating up heading into the finals, while the NFL is deep into their regular season. 

Everyone's gearing up for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade at my house, along with  a day of meals and games with family. But November is also a great time to hone your writing skills. Today we have a series of daily writing prompts to spark ideas for your next creative writing project whether you're in 3rd grade or deep into the second half of life. 

November Creative Writing Prompts

1. What do you look forward to most in November? Why?

2. Create an acrostic poem using the letters of NOVEMBER or a holiday this month. Challenge: make sure the word you use for each letter is something in nature (or related to Thanksgiving, or describes turkeys or football or autumn).

3. Write about your favorite holiday traditions during November. If you don't have any traditions, create your own, serious or silly. Describe what activities, food, and people you'd have at your celebrations.

4. November is a perfect time to begin making room for the new year. If you could clear out one area of your home or life, what would it be and why?

5. What is your favorite memory of school or learning during the month of November? A class feast? A trip to a local park? 

6. Write a celebratory poem to the month of November, listing everything you love about it. 

7. If you could fill a backpack with things to get you through the month of November, what would you add? Describe the contents and why you'd need each item. 

8. Write about a person in your life who you are thankful to know. 

9. Create a scene with a character stumbling into your favorite November event for the first time (whether Thanksgiving dinner or a football game or a parade or some other event).

10. You discover a magical pen that brings your drawings to life for one day only. What do you draw, and what adventures unfold as your creations come to life in November?

11. Write a dinner scene that exaggerates the character traits of each person at the table. 

12. Create a setting that captures a perfect November day (or alternately a less than perfect November setting).

13. Convince someone who hates your favorite dessert to try it. 

14. Write a short adventure story about a turkey visiting your hometown.

15. Create a new type of sandwich and describe everything that goes on it. 

“The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July.” —Henry David Thoreau

16. November marks the time when a group of friends gathers in a circle time to share stories around a bonfire. What tales are told, and do they hold any hidden truths?

17. November brings the annual Migration Festival, where birds from different lands gather. Explore the unique stories of these migratory creatures and the impact they have on your town.

18. Imagine that a scarecrow comes to life once all the crops have been harvested. What adventure will he go on? 

19. November often brings a sense of reflection. Write about a lesson you've learned recently and how it contributes to your personal growth.

20. Imagine that one of the elders at your holiday feast drops a secret they've been keeping for years. What is it and how does everyone react? 

21. Explore the concept of slowing down in November. What activities or habits can you adopt to savor the present moment?

22. Write about the the changes in nature around you during November.

23. Create a character who discovers a hidden path that can only be seen once the leaves begin to fall each year. Where does it lead? 

24. Describe the sensory experiences of November – the scents, sounds, and sights that make this month unique. How do these elements contribute to your overall mood?

25. Write about a character who made an ambitious list of resolutions in January, and is committed to doing all of them in November. 

26. Your pet turkey has a secret talent. What is it, and how does it surprise everyone during the Thanksgiving celebration?

27. Imagine you could take a Time Machine back to your favorite November. What year would it be and why? Write about it.

28. Create a place named “The November Cafe.” Describe it and what it offers inside. 

29. As the first snowfall blankets a town, the residents discover mysterious footprints leading to an ancient tree. What happens next? 

30. Write a letter to your future self, outlining your aspirations and intentions for the upcoming year. What steps can you take in November to set the stage for success?

Psst…if one of those ambitions is writing a book, consider joining the thousands of writers who have finally finished their book during our 100 Day Book Program. Check it out here

 November Writing Fun Ahead

We hope one of these creative writing prompts gets you in the mood to write this November. Choose one and share your practice below! 


Choose one of the prompts above. Set your timer for 15 minutes and write without stopping. Share your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop, and leave feedback for a few other writers.

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Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website.

Sue Weems Headshot

Work with Sue Weems?

Award-winning instructor and writer of 20+ years, book coach, and editor. Sue Weems specializes in working with Children's, Memoir, Middle Grade, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, and Thriller books. Sound like a good fit for you?

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  1. Joe Miller

    Hey Sue, a huge thank you for whipping up those November prompts! The idea of a magical pen has me wondering if it can finally help me write that best-selling novel—or just my grocery list without any typos. The Backpack sounds like it could hold all my dreams or at least my collection of half-eaten sandwiches. And who wouldn’t want to gather around a bonfire, sharing ghost stories while secretly hoping the marshmallows don’t turn into flaming projectiles? Lastly, the November Café has me daydreaming about sipping hot cocoa while pondering the mysteries of life, like why my socks always go missing in the dryer.

    • Sue Weems

      Hi Joe! Your response is full of terrific ideas (if you find out about the socks, let me know). Thanks for reading and commenting. Good luck!

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