Hero’s Journey Themes: 5 Essential Themes That Will Thrill Your Readers

Hero’s Journey Themes: 5 Essential Themes That Will Thrill Your Readers

They say opposites attract. That holds true, even in a Hero’s Journey story.

And while you may craft opposing characters who find themselves attracted to one another, you would be wise to study these universal relationships—also known as themes—that great stories have utilized for generations to the benefit of their readers.

Here are the five essential Hero’s Journey themes that will thrill your readers!

Cliffhanger Meaning 101: What They Are and How Writers Use Them

Cliffhanger Meaning 101: What They Are and How Writers Use Them

Do you love a good cliffhanger? Most readers do. Whether they entail a twist that hits us like a tidal wave or employ a more subtle revelation, cliffhangers keep readers eagerly turning the pages—even if we’re not all entirely sure of a cliffhanger’s meaning.

But what is the definition of cliffhanger? And how can we, as writers, master the use of cliffhangers to write a book that holds readers all the way to the very end?

In this article, we’ll dig deep into what a real cliffhanger is, what it does, and how you can create consistently potent cliffhangers in your own writing.

How to End a Story: 3 Questions That Will Help You Find the Perfect Ending

How to End a Story: 3 Questions That Will Help You Find the Perfect Ending

The hardest part of writing a story might just be figuring out how to end a story. But what makes a good ending? How about a great ending? Is there a difference? 

Endings are intimidating. They’re heavy-laden with all the narrative weight of your story.

And they’re so much harder to write than we imagine when they play out in our heads.

This is why so many trilogies end with a whimper, rather than a bang (Star Wars, Alien): Endings are hard.

But how do you write that rare, coveted third act that nails every beat and delivers on the audience’s hopes and dreams? How do you conclude your story, or trilogy, or series with power and poise?

Let’s dive deep into how to write a winning ending by exploring three essential questions that will keep you on track as you wrap up your next story.

How to Write Better Stories by Knowing Your Story Grid Genre

How to Write Better Stories by Knowing Your Story Grid Genre

Why do some books “work,” while others don’t? Why do readers ravenously consume one book, while they put down another and forget about it entirely?

If you want to write books that readers love, you’d be wise to find answers to these questions and apply those answers to your work. Thankfully, there’s a resource available to you that provides an insider’s look at what readers want: The Story Grid!

There’s No Such Thing as Original Stories: You’re Not Original and Why That’s Good

There’s No Such Thing as Original Stories: You’re Not Original and Why That’s Good

Have you ever heard that there are no original stories? As a writer, did this turn your stomach or make you angry?

Although the idea that there are no original stories sounds upsetting, especially for writers, the truth is that every story follows the rule (most likely) of “same, but different.”

That’s a good thing!

If stories were completely original, it would be hard to know if there was a readership interested in them. We want stories that are unique, but that also follow the same conventions and tropes of certain types of stories that we’ve read or seen before.

Doing this means that your story will impact your ideal readers, and here’s why.