10 Tricks to Get Your Writing Flowing

by Guest Blogger | 17 comments

For writers, as well as athletes, there’s nothing like being in the zone. Distractions fall away, time disappears, and your work seems to write itself.

10 Writing Techniques to Get Your Writing Flowing

Unfortunately for most writers, being in the zone is rare—instead of inspiration, we feel dread; instead of knowing, we feel lost; and instead of excitement, we feel anxiety.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. In fact, according to the research of Susan Perry, Ph.D., there are several concrete writing techniques and practices that can actually make finding inspiration and “getting into the zone” an everyday occurrence.

Find Your Writing Flow

Today’s post is the final installment in a 5-month series about how writers “get in the zone.” Thus far, we have talked about How to Be a Better and Happier Writer, How to Think Like a Great Writer, How Writing Habits Make Writing Easier, and How Spotify Can Make You a Better Writer.

For all of these posts, Susan Perry’s Writing in Flow: Keys to Enhanced Creativity has been our guide. Perry’s book is the distillation of hundreds of interviews with award-winning writers and her discoveries about how these writers achieve peak performance, or “find their flow,” to use Perry’s terminology.

Perry’s intention was simple. As she put it,

Liberating writers from self-imposed constraints and limitations is one of the goals of this book. And once you learn how exquisitely pleasurable writing can be in a flow state—and how to enter such a state more predictably—you’re more likely to write more and produce better work.

It is with this same goal that I’ve pulled the best lessons from Perry’s book and presented them in this series.

10 Ways to Find Your Flow

At the conclusion of her book, Perry offers a number of specific writing techniques for luring flow, all of which are based on the most common practices of the writers she interviewed. A selection of these writing techniques is listed below.

Remember that this is a short list of the countless ways writers write. The important thing is not to try to fit into someone else’s process, but to find your own by experimenting and keeping track of what works best for you.

Some common practices for finding flow are:

1. Establish Rituals

According to Perry, “Ritualizing your behavior enhances focus on the task at hand” while making it easier to “get in the zone.” See my post How Writing Habits Make Writing Easier for more on this.

2. Clear Clutter

Many writers Perry interviewed talked about how uncluttering their environment (like their desk) helped them unclutter their mind. Many also suggested that “clutter” that wasn’t always physical.

If something is cluttering up your mental or physical environment, trying getting it out of the way so your mind is free to focus on the task at hand. Clean your desk, get those bills done, whatever it takes to feel uncluttered. (A word of warning! Don’t let cleaning become a procrastination tool. The goal is writing, not spotless floors. Unless that’s what you need, of course.)

3. Find Time

The idea is simple: Write when you write your best. You’ll have to experiment with what works for you, but once you find that time, protect it. I recently committed to writing from 5:30–7 AM every morning. It wasn’t hard to convince my wife and kids that this was “my time” once they saw I was serious about it. Respecting your own writing schedule and sticking to it will teach others around you to respect it too.

Obviously, no one time is right for everyone every day. And if you’re a busy parent or professional, you may find yourself shifting your schedule as circumstances demand. If this is you, create a weekly or even daily schedule the night before. Find when you have time to write, and then commit to it. You’ll find that committing to a schedule will help relieve anxiety over writing, while reducing stress over the guilt of not writing.

As Perry writes,

Find what timing works for you by trying out various schedules. Don’t assume the way you’ve always tried to do it is the only way, particularly if it isn’t working that well for you.

4. Hear and See Things

Sure, it sounds a little crazy, but many writers talk about tuning in more closely to what their inner ear or inner eye is perceiving. Many of the writers Perry interviewed described these perceptions in vague, fragmentary terms, but often found them to be inspiring jumping off points for their writing.

If this sounds useful, don’t worry about where these scraps of dialogue, moods, or images fit in your story or poem. Just start with what you see or hear and go from there. If you’re like these writers, stories will often emerge of their own accord from these “first” ideas.

5. Use Music

It’s not surprise that many writers use music to loosen up and focus in. Here’s a previous post about this very common technique and how Spotify can help you get started: How Spotify Can Make You a Better Writer.

6. Cultivate Silence

Many writers crave silence, and the fear of being interrupted brings with it a certain kind of anxiety that can be a deterrent to getting into the zone. But in our media-obsessed world, cultivating silence can be difficult.

Many writers find silence either late at night or early in the morning. If you can’t, try sound-deadening headphones or ear plugs. To protect against interruption, unplug the phone in your office, turn off your computer’s email and social media sound notifications, and turn off the ringer on your cellphone. Just eliminating the “threat” of these interruptions can be freeing on a subconscious level and make it easier to “get into” you’re writing.

7. Meditate

Just as regulating your outside environment can positive effects, so can regulating your inner environment. Starting your writing session with a short meditation is one way to do this. Meditation also has the benefit of being good “training” for writing as it teaches you to exclude distraction, focus attention, and move yourself away from your regular habits of thinking. If you don’t know where to start, search Youtube for the keywords “short guided meditation.”

8. Noodle

One of the most common techniques writers use is “noodling.” This is my highly technical term for the unfocused time at the beginning of a writing session in which you review and make notes on and small edits to your previous day’s work. This process helps me “gently return” to the mood or state I was in when I finished my last session. It also relieves my anxiety over what I’m going to write by giving me something to do as I get started.

9. Read

Reading is second nature to most writers, and it should be. For, as Stephen King says, “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or tools) to write.” But what many writers don’t realize that reading can also be useful during writing.

Carol Muske’s trick when she gets stuck is to pick a book at random and read a random page. She finds whatever she reads always seems to point her in a direction. It sounds like magic, but it’s really just a way to help her subconscious think about the story in a different way.

I do the same thing with craft books, which I pick up at random and which always give me ideas for how to write or revise something I’m working on.

Next time you’re stuck, try picking up a random book. Does it work?

10. Stop Short

According to Perry,

One of the most reliable tricks is to take advantage of a kind of psychological momentum by leaving your work while it feels incomplete.

If you’re someone who dreads the blank page, or has trouble starting something new, this might be the trick for you.

The next time you write, try stopping at in the middle of something. When you suspend closure in a scene or moment, you build in a powerful reason to start writing the next day.

Based on my own experience, I can say this really works. When I first committed to writing, I would even stop mid-sentence. Knowing exactly what needed to be said next helped diminish my anxiety over starting a new session and not knowing what to write.

Honor Your Unique Process

Despite the commonality of these writing techniques, what works for you will be unique to you.

Take it from me, as someone who has battled with insecurity over his own process, I know now that it’s important to honor that. If you don’t, you’ll be trying to get it “right,” which is antithetical to the attitude of play and discovery that you need to be nurturing. (If this attitude is something you struggle with too, check out my post about the practice of play for some guidance and suggestions.)

In the end, Perry’s advice is simple:

Write as much and as often as you can, allow yourself to try new techniques and attitudes, give yourself a great deal of freedom to fail and fail again on the way to ultimate success.

As Diana Gabaldon says,

The only way you can fail at writing is to give up.

Here’s to never giving up.

Which writing techniques work for you? Let me know in the comments. It’s always fun to hear how other writers “find their flow.”


The following exercise is based on a prewriting ritual discussed in Perry’s book. Open a book of poems and copy the first line of the poem into your writing notebook. If you want to work on longer fiction, open a novel or collection of short stories and copy the first line of a random paragraph.

Now, write as if the given line were your own first line. Write for fifteen minutes. When you’re done, delete the first line and create your own first line. Post your creations (and the borrowed first lines with author and book title) in the comments below. And if you share, be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers.

This article is by a guest blogger. Would you like to write for The Write Practice? Check out our guest post guidelines.

This article is by a guest blogger. Would you like to write for The Write Practice? Check out our guest post guidelines.


  1. Jonathan Hutchison

    Great article. I will post my results of the fifteen minute challenge a bit later. Thanks for this

    • Michael Mahin

      Thanks Jon! Read your post above. Good stuff.

  2. Lucy

    Great ideas – thanks so much! Sometimes it feels like I’m fizzing with ideas and can write for hours, but I’ve been struggling to get going recently.

    First line: “The explanation sounded unconvincing, and J., unsurprisingly, flew into a rage.”
    From: In the Beginning Was the Sea, by Tomas Gonzalez.

    There were no hysterics, no shouting or screaming. Just silence. He held himself motionless, his shoulders stiff, the lines of his face hard and cruel. His eyes, blazing gold, glared at some point beyond the horizon.

    I took half a step closer.


    I tipped my chin up as the burning golden glare hit me. Suddenly the fury boiled over. He ripped his badge from his belt, drew back his arm and hurled it at the sky, roaring his frustration and pain.

    I made some inarticulate protest. He spun around to face me, arm still raised. I must have flinched because, for a brief moment, his fury melted into horror before the cold, cruel mask slipped back into place.

    He stumbled backwards.

    “Don’t,” he warned harshly.

    I sank back on my heels, more shocked than scared, and watched him disappear into the darkness.

    • Jonathan Hutchison

      Well you’ve got my attention. Did I miss the new first line you supplied? The article that we both read was helpful to be sure. I. too, have moments when the Muses are present and other times when I am left without words or thoughts to write. Certain times of day or days of the week seem to be more productive. I don’t fight it anymore.

    • Lucy

      Oops – guess I didn’t read the instructions properly! My new first line – “My empty words of commiseration died in my throat and Haruki, jolted out of his stupor, flew into a rage.”

    • Michael Mahin

      Great. I want to know what happens. And as small as it seems, the use of a Japanese name kicked this off into something unique, it’s just a subtle enough curveball to get me asking where are we and what’s happening. Great. Really. Now go write the rest ! 😉

  3. Jonathan Hutchison

    Response to “10 Tricks to Get Your Writing Flowing”
    Magical Momentum

    My lifted sentence is from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
    by Robert M. Pirsig

    “I can see by my watch, without taking my hands from the left grip of the cycle, that it is eighty-thirty in the morning.” The day began at six am this morning as I reluctantly unzipped my sleeping bag and went through the mindless routine of preparing for the day’s ride ahead. The day’s ride is an unknown mystery but if this day turns out to be anything like yesterday, I will deserve another good’s night sleep.

    Riding a motorcycle, in the minds of some people, already defines who you are. At best, folks think, “oh what a free spirit.” At worst, and this is the predominant response of folks in my experience, “oh God, here comes a Hell’s Angel.” I immediately have to prove that I am not about to rob, rape, or render unconscious anyone who pisses me off. Sometimes this is a burden I gladly accept, other times, it pisses me off!

    My response to interaction with folks along the way has everything to do with the ride. My travelling companion never varies in his response. He just rides, then he just rests, just eats, just sleeps, just dreams. There is no wasted outward emotion in him. With me, however, if the ride is hard, if the motorcycle misbehaves, if the heat of the day overwhelms me, if we are hassled by gawkers, my mood and my response to people can sour very quickly. I am not a pleasant person to be around in that case.

    The whole reason we are taking this ride across the country is so that I might learn how to be more like my riding companion and less like who my default personality seems to be. So Jon, my companion, is teaching me to meditate, to breathe slowly and intentionally, to see beyond the obvious. Most of all Jon is teaching me to dream. Jon has often said, “It’s really tough to dream and not to see some hope arise from your dreams.” I asked him about nightmares.

    “Nightmares are not dreams, Steve. Dreams are life-affirming, nightmares only cause terror to rise up. And terror is what you will confront as we run down the road.”
    This is all I could do in 15 minutes. The last part of the exercise is to replace the original borrowed first line with my own.

    So here is the new first line – Jon and I have been riding our motorcycles for two weeks and my silent riding companion is about to conjure up some magic, as promised.

    • Lucy

      Wow – you got a lot written in 15 minutes! What’s your secret? I love the contrast you’ve created between the two bikers.

    • Jonathan Hutchison

      I take a few minutes before I start the timer to consider an idea, a first sentence and an ending. Then I set the timer and just write. After 15 minutes I stop and fix misspellings etc. That’s it. Thanks for asking.

    • Michael Mahin

      Nice! Great choise of first lines and book! Feels like an opinion/ memoir type piece. Could fit into some travel/ motorcycle mag. Feels nonfiction to me, and reflective, and deeply personal. Based on something true? If so, I’d say finish and query. Magazne’s eat up this kind of stuff

  4. Stella

    “Cutting off your nose to spite your face then,” I says. “Taking that job, just to impress them? Who gives two shites what they’s think, anyway?”

    “You don’t understand.” He be ticked. “It’s a good job. Prestigious. High-paying. I’d be a fool not to accept the offer.”

    “But you’s don’t need the money,” I says. “And you knows the hours will kill you. You might be gone from your previous place, but you ain’t leaving them behind. They still be here with you.”

    “What are you talking about? They’re gone. They’re history. I’m never working with them again, so they can take their beloved company and stick it.” He still ain’t getting it.

    “They’s not here, but you still wants to impress them. You don’t see it?” I can’t speak myself no clearer.

    “Don’t be ridiculous.” His voice be cold now. “I owe them nothing. I couldn’t care less what they think of me.”


    Contrary to the prompt, I kept the first line intact. From ‘Why I live at the PO’ by Eudora Welty, a short story in a book of short stories I haven’t touched since school. Haha.

    The most challenging part of writing this was the irregular grammar in my first line. I tried to replicate that in my narrator’s voice – what do you think?

    • Lucy

      Nice – it’s tricky keeping in with the narrator’s voice but you did it! And I really want to know what the new job is, and what his problem with the last one was.

    • Stella

      Thanks! Haha as with so much writing, the scene is semi-autobiographical. I didn’t have his new or old job in mind, but I did recently leave my law firm because my contract wasn’t renewed. Was wondering what firms to join next. Bigger firms pay better and are more prestigious but of course, they also work you to death. Money and prestige don’t motivate me but I did catch myself wondering, what would the people at my old job think if I moved on to an even bigger firm? And it struck me how ironic it was to care about the opinions of people whom you’ve left behind.

    • Michael Mahin

      Great stuff! Yeah, that is a stuff dialect to capture. You do a great job capturing the rhythm, so it feels consistent to me. Though, you lapse in to pirate talk at the end with the line “His voice be cold now.” 😉 Arrr. Into the Davey’s Jones’s locker you go 🙂

    • Stella

      Haha! I don’t watch pirate movies so that may well be inadvertent. ‘Here be treasure’ and all that. Thanks for pointing that out, made me smile.

  5. Anh Nguyen


    Awesome post! Like most writers, I always thrive to find the flow when writing. It’s very hard though when life among other things can get in the way.

    What works for me to keep writing is simple, write everyday, develop a ritual as Perry suggests. I write for 1 hour first thing in the morning, everyday and that’s how I managed to get as far as I am as a blogger.

    Thanks for sharing!



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