Writing Struggles: What’s Preventing You From Writing a Children’s Book?

by Marianne Richmond | 1 comment

Do you dream about becoming a children's book writer? Are there any writing struggles holding you back? Let's answer some of those questions and help you get your book started.

writing struggles

You may have an amazing children's book idea, but for some reason you can't seem to actually write the book. I hear it from people all the time. 

In today's article, I'd like to hit pause on your writing process (briefly, I promise!) and dig deep into what unanswered questions and writing struggles have prevented you from starting, writing, or finishing and publishing your children's book.

Writing Struggles? Ask A Bestselling Children's Book Author

Through my twenty-plus years as a successful children’s book author, I have heard this sentiment from many aspiring authors who are looking for advice on how to write a children's book.

Reality what they need is a check-in on the children’s book industry, which, according to IBIS World, is a 2.2 billion dollar industry (and growing!).

Here’s the other thing I’ve heard.

Aspiring children's book writers often experience self-doubt and confusion, which then often masquerades as comments like this:

  • I don’t know where to start.
  • I’ve heard it’s really hard to break into this industry. Why should I bother?
  • I've started on my idea, but I'm having trouble finishing.
  • How do I find an illustrator?
  • How do I get an audience going?
  • I just don’t know if anyone reads what I write.
  • This industry is so confusing!

Writers for every market and genre feel this way. Real thoughts and questions. And totally natural and understandable sentiments.

Some of the advice I share crosses genre and market, and some is just for children's book writers. The industry IS crowded AND you have a unique story to tell. Don't give up if it is your dream to get your book out in the world. 

Writing struggles? A few answers to get you started

I’ve been writing a blog series on How to Write a Children's Book for The Write Practice, a series on the ins and outs of children’s book publishing, from how to write a book to publishing, marketing, and selling it. This series answers many of the questions asked above. 

What’s keeping you from your dream of becoming a children’s book author? I hope my guide and articles support and encourage you with information, ideas and insights.

What has stopped you from writing a children's book? Let us know in the comments.


Spend fifteen minutes to reflect on what you love about writing a children's book, and also what's holding you back. Write one to three questions that have you stumped.

When you're done, share your questions in the Pro Practice Workshop here. I want to know what’s holding you back or challenging you, and can't wait to connect!

Finally, support your fellow writers in the comments section when you're done!

Marianne Richmond

I'm Marianne Richmond—writer, artist and inspirationalist. My words have touched millions over the past two decades through my children's books and gift products.
Basically I put love into words and help you connect with the people + moments that matter. You can find me on my website, Facebook, and Twitter (@M_Richmond21).

1 Comment

  1. Nina

    I am writing a children’s book… not a child under 10, but more for teens. I am also a teenager so that makes it sooo much easier because I know what my age group would like to read.
    Don’t be afraid to write a book for children! We really aren’t picky 🙂 ! Anything that has adventure and entertainment is a pass for me!


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