by Liz Bureman |
English is full of words that seem the same, but have subtle differences in their spelling and usage. These tricky words seem designed specifically to trip you up. Recently, we tackled ensure vs. insure. Today, let’s take on another vocabulary conundrum: upwards or upward? Toward or towards?
Or does it even matter?
by Liz Bureman |
Sometimes people confuse the latin term per se with per say, especially because they sound identical in everyday speech. Today’s writing tip clears up any confusion.
by Liz Bureman |
I love The Princess Bride. I saw the movie before I knew there was a book, but once I found out that a literary form of the story existed, I immediately checked it out from my high school library and devoured it. I found another copy at a clothing swap about two years ago, and it’s been sitting on my bookshelf ever since. I’m due for another reading soon, I think.
by Liz Bureman |
Both “insure” and “ensure” are verbs. They both derive from the same word meaning “to make sure.” So are they just a spelling variant of the same word?
No. The context can help clarify the difference between insure and ensure and the more distinct meanings for each.
by Liz Bureman |
I love new words. I always get really excited whenever I learn a new word, and I try to use it as often as is applicable in my daily life. Sometimes this is harder to do than I’d like. However, this is a writing blog, and the word I learned today is a writing word. Congratulations, you get to learn about enjambments.