Writers, Here’s How to Give Fear the Finger

Writers, Here’s How to Give Fear the Finger

Have you ever been so afraid to do something writing-wise that you felt physically ill?

Nausea strangles your throat and swirls through your gut. You feel shaky and unsure of yourself. Maybe you’re afraid to start writing that novel, to send out query letters once your manuscript is compete, or to meet that awesome editor at a conference.

When you stretch yourself creatively, fear…

9 Things I Did To Become A Full-Time Writer

9 Things I Did To Become A Full-Time Writer

Three years ago, I was like many of you. Just starting out. Not a clue which way to go. I had an idea for a book and that was it, but I wanted to become a full-time writer.

Fast forward a couple years, and I’m doing this for a living (on top of being a stay-at-home dad). I make a living writing fiction, but everything didn’t converge until four months ago. So what did I do to get here?

Be A Writer With Friends

Be A Writer With Friends

As a writer, it’s easy to get sucked into the mundane world of dirty sweatpants, stale coffee and cold pizza. I mean, who really needs to see us while we’re writing, right?

While that may work for a time, pretty soon we become hermits, hoarding our words, shunning the light and developing a Smeagol-like complexion. Gross.

Too Busy to Write a Book? Write a Poem

Too Busy to Write a Book? Write a Poem

If you’re like me, you probably have way too much on your plate. Kids, school, work, the dreaded pile of laundry gathering in the corner. How do you make time for your writing when you’re so busy? One way to keep writing when you’re too busy to write a book is to write a poem instead.