Writing Prompt: Total Solar Eclipse

Writing Prompt: Total Solar Eclipse

Will you be chasing it?

Today is the first time in nearly 40 years that a total solar eclipse will be visible from mainland United States.   In other words, the moon will briefly block the sun in the middle of the day and Americans may actually be able to see it (with special glasses).

Character Voice: How to Actually Listen to Your Protagonist

Character Voice: How to Actually Listen to Your Protagonist

Anyone who has dipped their toes into the world of writing novels knows how crucial character development is to telling strong stories. Plot, setting, and dialogue are necessary building blocks of fiction, but your characters are the foundation that your story is resting on—without dynamic characters, no amount of plot twists, fantastical settings, or authentic dialogue will magically transform into a novel that people want to read.

If the success of your novel is in fact riding on the strength of your characters, you need to know who they are, inside and out. More importantly, you need a character with a strong voice, one that can reveal the emotional depths of your story to the reader.

Doodle Your Way Out Of Writer’s Block

Doodle Your Way Out Of Writer’s Block

When you can’t think of what to write, step away from your computer, and doodle. Yes, step away, and doodle. You heard me correctly. (Said in a kind gentle way.) Now, grab a pencil and a piece of paper, and start to doodle your way out of writer’s block.