Welcome to the New Write Practice Website

Welcome to the New Write Practice Website

As you may have noticed, we’ve made several major changes to The Write Practice’s website.

This is the beginning of a new season for The Write Practice, and I’m so excited to tell you about what we’re doing to help make your life as a writer easier and more meaningful.

Let me show you what we’ve been up to.

Are You a Writer or a Storyteller?

I've considered myself a writer for years, but a storyteller? I thought that just came with the territory. It wasn't until I listened to an interview between Write Practice founder Joe Bunting, and writer Kevin Kaiser that I realized the two are very different. The...
Your First Draft Is Not Shitty

Your First Draft Is Not Shitty

Ernest Hemingway said, “The first draft of anything is shit.” Ann Lamott said, “What I’ve learned to do when I sit down to work on a shitty first draft is to quiet the voices in my head.” And I say, “Nope. Your first draft is not shitty. Your...
How to Use Life Experience to Write Better

How to Use Life Experience to Write Better

Readers want something that’s real. They want to live in your novel. They want to become your characters, and feel every joy and heartache right along with them. They want to see, smell, hear, feel, taste. Our struggle as the writer is to deliver to them what they want. Our careers and our very lives depend on how the readers feel. No pressure, right?