How to Write a Journal: 6 Tips to Get Started

How to Write a Journal: 6 Tips to Get Started

Do you keep a journal? I do. It is how I remember the travels I’ve taken, the life experiences I’ve enjoyed, and the litter boxes I’ve cleaned.

We are writers, and so it is even more helpful for us to journal. Not sure yet? Let me share with you some tips from my journaling experience.

How to Write a Scene: The Definitive Guide to Scene Structure

How to Write a Scene: The Definitive Guide to Scene Structure

Once you have a great story idea, the next step is to write it. But do you want to take your brilliant idea and then write a book that bores readers and causes them to quit reading your book?

Of course not. That’s why you need to learn how to write great scenes.

Scenes are the basic building block of all storytelling. How do you actually write them, though? And even more, how do you write the kind of scenes that both can keep readers hooked while also building to the powerful climax you have planned for later in the story?

In this post, you’ll learn what a scene actually is. You’ll explore the six elements every scene needs for it to move the story forward. Then, you’ll learn how to do the work of actually putting a scene together, step-by-step. We’ll look at some of the main scene types you need for the various types of stories, and we’ll also look at some scene examples so you can better understand how scenes work. Finally, we’ll put it all together with a practice exercise.

Dan Brown MasterClass Review: Will This Teach You to Write a Page-Turning Thriller?

Dan Brown MasterClass Review: Will This Teach You to Write a Page-Turning Thriller?

Are you wondering what Dan Brown’s MasterClass is like and if signing up would be a good move for you? Do you want to learn how to craft a thriller that works or add suspense to your writing? I recently had the opportunity to take a MasterClass from the man who wrote one of the world’s best-selling novels, The Da Vinci Code, and I’m here to share my thoughts about the experience and give you a peek into what I learned.

100 Best Gifts for Writers: Best Writing Books, Courses, Apparel, and More!

100 Best Gifts for Writers: Best Writing Books, Courses, Apparel, and More!

Finding the right gifts for writers in your life can be challenging. After all, what do you get people who spend so much time living in their own heads and imaginations.

It’s even worse if you’re the writer! What do you tell people to get you for Christmas gifts, birthday presents, and other holidays?

But don’t worry friends. We’ve got you covered with over 100 of the best gifts for writers ever. We’ve got writing software gifts, writing apparel gifts, writing book gifts, and even the best book writing planner money can buy.

Let’s get gifting, shall we?