Dan Brown MasterClass Review: Will This Teach You to Write a Page-Turning Thriller?

Dan Brown MasterClass Review: Will This Teach You to Write a Page-Turning Thriller?

Are you wondering what Dan Brown’s MasterClass is like and if signing up would be a good move for you? Do you want to learn how to craft a thriller that works or add suspense to your writing? I recently had the opportunity to take a MasterClass from the man who wrote one of the world’s best-selling novels, The Da Vinci Code, and I’m here to share my thoughts about the experience and give you a peek into what I learned.

Publisher Rocket Review: Will This Help You Sell More Books? (2024)

Publisher Rocket Review: Will This Help You Sell More Books? (2024)

How do you sell more books? This is a question I hear frequently from authors in our community. When you’ve done the hard work of writing a book, when you’ve even managed to get your book published, it would be nice to be able to get your book into the hands of readers. But anyone who has published a book knows that selling books isn’t simple.

That’s where Publisher Rocket, a powerful piece of book marketing software, comes in. What is Publisher Rocket, and will it help you in your book writing and marketing efforts? In this post, I’ll be sharing my Publisher Rocket review. I’ll also talk about how I personally use the tool.

Aaron Sorkin MasterClass Review: Will This Help You Master Screenwriting?

Aaron Sorkin MasterClass Review: Will This Help You Master Screenwriting?

I’m always looking for new opportunities to improve my writing. As an author and businessman, learning and improving the tools that keep me in business are a high priority on my daily list of to-dos. After all, if you’re not growing, you’re stagnating. And no one can afford to be stagnant in the business of writing.

MasterClass offers a cool opportunity to take online courses from masters in their fields. Is it worth it? Specifically, is Aaron Sorkin’s screenwriting class worth it? And will it help you?