Here at the beginning of a new year, we're surrounded by calls to set new goals, make resolutions, change something specific in our lives, so it seems a perfect time to revisit the rebirth plot which promises change.
The concept of rebirth and its stories have captivated readers for centuries, offering a narrative arc that speaks to humanity's deepest hopes for transformation. While tales of quests and romances fulfill our desire for external achievement, rebirth plots delve into the possibility of profound internal change.
This post is part of our series exploring Christopher Booker’s theory of plot types in The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Write Stories. See our overview, overcoming the monster plot. the rags to riches plot, the quest plot, the voyage and return plot, the rebirth plot, tragedy, and comedy.
But let's look more closely at the Rebirth story plot today.
What is a Rebirth Plot?
Christopher Booker's Rebirth Plot is a narrative archetype in which the protagonist undergoes a significant transformation, often after experiencing a moment of despair or a deep personal crisis. This journey typically involves themes of redemption and renewal, reflecting the human capacity for change and personal growth.
Booker uses the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty as one example of a rebirth plot, with the princess being cursed by the evil fairy. After a period of growing up, the evil fairy traps the princess and she enters a deep sleep. Only the right hero can battle the forces that keep Beauty trapped and eventually free her.
Rebirth stories can also focus on villain protagonists or misanthropes who redeem themselves over the course of the story, after spiraling deeper into villainy and meeting a redemption figure.
Redemption figures usually come in the form of a child or the protagonist's other half, and they serve to remind the villain-hero what compassion or love feels like.
They also help the villain-hero see what the world is actually like, instead of the warped perception that the protagonist has that has given them the proclivity towards villainy.
The Structure of the Rebirth Plot Type
Unlike the other six plot types, Booker does not give a list of stages for stories of Rebirth. Instead he provides a basic sequence (listed here):
- A young hero or heroine falls under the shadow of some dark force or power, often in the form of a threat.
- For a while, all may seem to go reasonably well. The threat may even seem to have receded, or in some cases, the poison or curse just takes time to work.
- Eventually the threat returns in full force, until the hero/heroine is seen imprisoned in the state of living death or isolation.
- This continues for a long time, when it seems like the dark power has completely triumphed.
- But finally comes the miraculous redemption, either by the hero (if the imprisoned figure is the heroine), or by a young woman or child (if the imprisoned figure is the hero).
Rebirth Examples in Classic Literature
Booker uses several fairy tales as examples: Snow White, Cinderella, and The Frog Prince.
But A Christmas Carol is probably the best-known example of a Rebirth story, with Scrooge as the villain-hero, and the three ghosts as redemption figures.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
- Dark Power: Ebenezer Scrooge has fallen under the shadow of greed and misanthropy. This “dark force” manifests as his own bitterness and materialism, shaped by past disappointments and a growing obsession with money. We see this in his famous “Bah, humbug!” attitude and his rejection of charity and human connection.
- Seeming Stability: Scrooge appears content in his miserly existence. He has wealth and a successful business, and he believes his worldview is justified. Even when Marley's ghost visits, he initially tries to rationalize it away as indigestion.
- Full Force of Threat: Through the visits of the three spirits, Scrooge is forced to confront the full horror of what he's become. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows him Tiny Tim's likely death, while the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come reveals his own lonely death and the celebration of his passing. He is effectively “imprisoned” in a spiritual death, isolated from all human warmth and connection.
- Extended Dark Period: While the actual night of the spirits' visits is just one evening in narrative time, it represents the culmination of years of Scrooge's spiritual imprisonment. The visions show him how long he has been dead inside and how this “living death” has affected everyone around him.
- Redemption: In this case, the redemption comes through multiple sources – the spirits who guide him, but particularly Tiny Tim, whose potential death serves as a catalyst for change. This fits Booker's pattern of redemption coming through a child. Scrooge's transformation is indeed “miraculous,” happening overnight, as he emerges reborn into Christmas morning with a completely changed heart.
The story fits Booker's Rebirth pattern particularly well because Scrooge's transformation is quite literal – he moves from a state of spiritual death to one of spiritual rebirth, marked by joy, generosity, and connection to his fellow humans.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden has a rebirth arc, and the symbolism works on multiple levels.
- Dark Power: Mary Lennox falls under multiple dark shadows initially – first the cholera epidemic that kills her parents in India, then her own “sour” personality shaped by neglect. She arrives at Misselthwaite Manor as a bitter, unlikeable child. Simultaneously, the manor itself is under a dark power: the grief of Mr. Craven over his wife's death, which has led him to abandon his invalid son Colin to a life of isolation and hypochondria.
- Seeming Stability: At first, life at Misselthwaite seems manageable, if not happy. Mary has her basic needs met and begins to explore the manor. The “poison” of isolation and neglect appears somewhat contained, though still present.
- Full Force of Threat: The true extent of the manor's darkness becomes clear when Mary discovers Colin, who represents the worst possible outcome of isolation and neglect. He's confined to his room, convinced he's dying, and prone to hysterical tantrums. Mary herself risks becoming further embittered in this gloomy environment.
- Extended Dark Period: The darkness has held sway over Misselthwaite for ten years since Mrs. Craven's death. The garden has been locked, Colin has been hidden away, and Mr. Craven has been wandering Europe in despair. The manor exists in a state of perpetual grief and stagnation.
- Redemption: The redemption comes through multiple channels, fitting Booker's pattern perfectly. Mary, as a child, helps redeem Colin by introducing him to the garden and challenging his beliefs about his health. Dickon, another child, helps both Mary and Colin connect with nature and life itself. The secret garden serves as the catalyst for healing, bringing both children back to life emotionally and, in Colin's case, physically. The final redemption extends to Mr. Craven when he returns to find his son healthy and the garden blooming again.
What makes The Secret Garden such a perfect example of the Rebirth plot is that it features multiple characters experiencing parallel rebirths: Mary transforms from a sour, unloved child to a nurturing friend; Colin transforms from a “dying” invalid to a healthy boy; and Mr. Craven transforms from a grief-stricken recluse to a reconnected father. The garden itself undergoes a literal rebirth, making it a perfect symbol for the story's themes.
The Significance of Rebirth in Storytelling
While the rebirth plot will look a little different depending on the cultural landscape, the ideas of rebirth resonate deeply across cultures and time periods because it speaks to a fundamental human hope: the possibility of profound personal transformation.
Unlike other narrative patterns that might focus on external achievement or romantic union, the rebirth plot suggests that even those who have fallen into darkness – whether through their own choices like Scrooge, or through circumstance like Mary Lennox – can find their way back to life and connection.
This pattern appears not just in literature but in our everyday narratives about addiction recovery, religious conversion, personal growth, and healing from trauma.
What makes the rebirth plot particularly powerful is its insistence that redemption often comes through relationship—whether with a child, a loved one, or a community—suggesting that while we may fall into isolation, our return to life necessarily involves reconnecting with others.
The persistence of this plot structure across centuries of storytelling reflects our enduring belief that no one is beyond salvation, and that transformation, while difficult, remains eternally possible.
What is your favorite rebirth story? Share in the comments.
Need more plot help? After you practice this plot type in the exercise below, check out my new book The Write Structure which helps writers make their plot better and write books readers love. Low price for a limited time!
Write a Rebirth arc for a classic villain in literature or film for fifteen minutes. When you're finished, post your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop, and leave some encouragement for your fellow writers.
Liz Bureman has a more-than-healthy interest in proper grammatical structure, accurate spelling, and the underappreciated semicolon. When she's not diagramming sentences and reading blogs about how terribly written the Twilight series is, she edits for the Write Practice, causes trouble in Denver, and plays guitar very slowly and poorly. You can follow her on Twitter (@epbure), where she tweets more about music of the mid-90s than writing.
Ha! Huge Doctor Who fan here. Rebirth has definitely been a recurring theme of the modern show, recovering from the Time War and all that. But really any type of character can ‘regenerate’ themselves, becoming something or someone else as a result of what’s happened to them, what they see about themselves, what they see about the world. It may be a new appreciation for the life they have; a new resolve to change things; a new opportunity they’ve never seen or had before. I think a kind of rebirth happens in any story regardless of plot type: rarely is a character the same person at the end that they were at the beginning.
I’m a Whovian, too! I think the rebirth in Doctor Who doesn’t really have to do with his regeneration but more with how he changes while traveling with his companions. Donna, for example, stops the Doctor from completely annihilating an alien; she helps him come back to the “good” side and heal the wounds of the loss of Rose. Clara does something similar with 11th and helps him go back to the good doctor and accept the Ponds’ departure.
Thanks for this post! I have been having trouble with my plot, but this was a revelation. I never considered that my WIP plot might be the Rebirth. I should have done more research before now. Great mini-series of posts!
I think I’m in a rut of thinking of female characters, because the only thing I can think of after reading this is how much I want to turn it on it’s head and have the girl be the hero. I hate that that’s different, because those are the characters I love most of all.
Also, Doctor Who is fantastic.
I’m afraid 15 minutes wasn’t enough time for me on this one. My plan was to redeem the Gingerbread Man, the infamous snatcher of sweets. If I finish the story, I’ll post it here as an update.
“Run, run just as fast as you can, you can’t catch me! I’m the Gingerbread Man!”
The Gingerbread Man shot off the table, his sack full of pastries.
Those kids wouldn’t be getting a single mouthful if he had anything
to say about it. Tears filled the little boy’s eyes as he looked down
at his empty plate, but his sister was more enterprising.
“Let’s see you take our dessert now, you little runt!”
She flew from her seat and slammed the door. Without breaking stride, the Gingerbread Man scattered candy sprinkles across the floor. He activated the
compression switch on his sack, instantly flattening the pastries.
“Hey, that’s my Cinnabun. Waaaaah!” wailed the baby brother.
The Gingerbread Man took a flying leap across the floor. Sliding on the round rainbow sprinkles, he escaped through the gap beneath the door, the flattened
pastries bringing up the rear.
“Run, run, just as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the Gadget Gingerbread Man!”
This is hilarious, Striped Sweater! I love this Gingerbread Man!
Humbert Humbert has always haunted me. I’ll try and show him trying to convince, in his own way, how he’s changed.
I’ve maintained, time and time again, throughout my incarceration, our relationship was purely platonic. Read the opening sentence of the novel I wrote about our journey across America, fleeing from the wrath of jealous and ill-informed relatives.
After Lolita’s mother died they abandoned her. They came to the funeral to see what they could pick up from the estate. Her husband had been wealthy. Once. After she was buried they walked around the house, eyeing the furniture and the pictures on the wall. They sniffed, and then left. They never turned up afterwards for the reading of the will
Lolita wasn’t someone they wanted bequeathed to them.
The authorities complained that she missed school? I gave the little angel much more than a stuffy classroom and pimply boys with wandering hands ever could have: freedom. I showed her the outside world, and allowed her free rein to let her spirit breathe.
You insist I use her proper name? I refuse. Dolores sounds so sad, with its mournful cadences.
Where was I? That Lolita, my Lolita, chose to stay in the motel rooms all day, eating hamburgers and ice cream and watching television is neither here nor there.
They say first impressions count. With me it’s my name – Humbert Humbert – that puts people off right from the start.
And, you forget something else. Who provided friendship and companionship to her mother, Charlotte Haze, alone and struggling to make ends meet? The fact she had a pubescent daughter whom even married men ogled made it even more difficult.
Excuse me while I get my thoughts together before I paint myself into a corner.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Probation Board. I address you as the mature people you are. With the wisdom of your life experiences you can see I’ve mended my ways. My past continues to haunt me precisely because I’ve cast it behind me.
Believe me, I still grieve for the death of the playwright.
Lolita grew up to be a fine young woman, despite what people maintain happened during our friendship. Her subsequent failed marriage is but another statistic of life in America.
Another one! I too am not big on sci-fi generally, but never miss a Doctor Who episode: perhaps that means it isn’t really about Sci-Fi, they are mostly straightforward adventure/morality tales that happen to have a few aliens scattered here and there. Oh, and being able to travel in time is a great way of solving plot problems!
Here’s my villain and his redemption – perhaps not what you were looking for but I was having fun!:
Big Brother was getting bored, to be honest. He’d seen it all – literally. Nothing could surprise him anymore, because he had looked into the living rooms and inside the minds of everyone in Oceania for the last umpteen years.
What made it worse was that most of what he saw in their minds, he’d put there in the first place. It was like trying to communicate with a room full of two-year-olds, all of them faithfully parroting back whatever nonsense he’d decided to push out that week.
From time to time he had tried to amuse himself by telling them something so absurd that they couldn’t possibly believe it, but that hadn’t worked: once they’d fallen for War Is Peace and Freedom is Slavery, they were going to swallow anything. Then he started to get surreal: Tree is Pink had been amusing – watching the functionaries in the Ministry of Truth get to grips with that had been quite fun. It was a bit of shame that every tree in Airstrip One had been either chopped down or died from Pink Paint Poisoning, but it gave them something new to blame the enemy for.
Until, one day, BB saw something different on one of the screens. A prole was being tortured – sorry, re-educated – in the Ministry of Love and he’d suddenly stopped screaming. The silence was unusual, and his interrogator was also a little taken aback. BB zoomed in, not wanting to miss anything.
The prole was tied in a chair, almost naked, filthy, and close to breaking point. His head was hung forward, almost as if he was looking for inspiration on the urine-soaked floor in front of him. He lifted his head and started to croak.
BB couldn’t hear, so he turned up the volume control on his telescreen to eleven, but he could still hardly make out the words. He could see the interrogator, likewise, leaning forward, doubtless hoping to hear the expected words of capitulation.
By now, the prole was gaining strength. His head was now held high, the song he was singing filling the room, shaking BB to the core.
“Always look on the Bright Side of Life…,” he sang, his lips cracking when he tried to whistle.
And from that moment BB was a changed man. Compulsory physical exercises for all were replaced by compulsory screenings of old Monty Python movies, and everyone lived happily ever after.
Dear Alex, I like your funny twist, very compelling.
Fascinating environment you’ve created. Ministry of Truth, proles, the Monty Python movies, all suggest a world gone awry.
Rebirth! Did you ever die to your old self? A good situation turned into a nightmare, which made your life so unbearable that the only option is to give up. It happened to me, not only once. And after each such episode, I emerged, like a drowning child who finally realizes that her current strategy of screaming does not work under water.
My dilemma was I loved so much, and had made my solid commitment to be true to my love. The marriage I went into came crashing down like a big tower crumbling by its own heavy weight of expectations. It was not possible to hold it all any longer. I was swimming in conflicting emotion, like a trapped fish in a tiny aquarium. There was no other way than to jump out without knowing what would await me.
At that critical juncture of total constriction all strings holding me in its grip fell apart, my heart broke wide open and vulnerable. I was being reborn through the pain of passing yet another birth canal into a new life.
I was free, but scared! It left me like a helpless newborn. Friends and other angels rushed in to help recover my spirit. This new landscape was foreign and yet intriguing. In the end, it was my curiosity that carried me through, and turned it into an adventure to explore the precious gems found at the core of pain itself. I also gained another lesson in how to love. Humbled, I understood that love has no boundaries except love. It cannot be bound by expectations, ideas or other concepts. True love is free! What I could do is to respect that freedom and nurture my relationships that include freedom of mind itself.
Impressed by “..being reborn through the pain of passing through another birth canal … ” Then “you’re free, but scared.” You describe that part of renewal so well. Is that why some of us still cling onto the old however unpleasant, because it is familiar?
Yes I think so, I believe our life lessons (rebirths) are like layers of an onion. There are still fears that potentially can drag us backwards.. and real freedom is to have mastered those fears. Does that sound true to you?
Agree with you there. We also talk about “our baggage from the past” that we unwittingly drag along with us, mainly to act as points of reference for our new experiences.
Yes Winnie, You got it! I am working with my “baggage”…. Writing about it helps me to solve some of it, and if in doing that others are inspired I am happy. Your statement “act as points of reference for our new experiences” is brilliant! Thanks, I will adopt this idea.
The pleasure’s mine. I heard it from a seasoned writer.
I loved this post and decided to write a rebirth arc for a character in my WIP. Check it out:
I still find Darth Vader’s rebirth story the most compelling
I think when a story is so good, genre is irrelevant. How many people love Terminator or Jaws — and never seen another sci-fi or monster movie ever again? Because it has a strong theme, I believe. It’s about a man or woman overcoming their fears.
Anyways, I’m interested in learning about the basic plots. I’m assuming it close relates to Joseph Campbell’s teachings? or Christopher Vogler.
Favourite rebirth story has to be Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich! It is also one of the most spiritual.