by Guest Blogger |
If you’ve ever found yourself wasting time or just overwhelmed with time management in general, today’s guest writer has an interesting perspective on how to waste time as a writer—and still invest in your personal growth and quality time with those people and things you want most.
by Guest Blogger |
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. That’s why these famous first lines of books are a terrific opportunity to learn from the masters of fiction. Take a look and see if one of your own favorites is here.
by Guest Blogger |
With the fantasy genre, the potential for conflict and world ending threats can come from anywhere—magical creatures, an unfamiliar city or world, an evil sorcerer. These prompts will help you write about the fantasy world and before you know it, your protagonist will be well on their way to find the magic item they need to defeat the villain.
by Guest Blogger |
Often, backstory is simply told to the reader in the opening or a prologue; this slows down the pace and comes across as a massive info dump. In those instances, the reader might decide to put the book down.
And that’s not what you want. But before you throw out backstory altogether, let’s look at one way to reveal well-developed backstory in a more organic way: through the setting.