How To Win a Writing Contest

How To Win a Writing Contest

Why do people enter writing contests? Some enter to get practice submitting. Others enter to motivate themselves to finish their stories.

But there’s one thing nearly everyone who enters a writing contest wants…

To win.

Best Book Writing Software: Word vs. Scrivener

Best Book Writing Software: Word vs. Scrivener

When you’re writing a book, you might come to this point where exasperation turns to desperation and you think: “There has to be a better way. There has to be a better piece of book writing software than Microsoft Word.”

Microsoft Word is the default word processor, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only option. And especially when you’re writing something as complicated as book, you might want a piece of writing software geared specifically toward writing a book.

In this post, we’re going to look closely the most popular alternative to Microsoft Word: Scrivener, and talk about where each word processor shines and where each falls short.