by Joe Bunting |
Have you ever wanted to write a book? Maybe you’ve thought about it. Maybe you’ve even started writing, but got stumped halfway through.
Yesterday, I took a poll of writers in our community. What I found is that 85% of writers have had a great idea for a book, have even tried to write it, but haven’t been able to finish it.
Yes, finishing a book is hard. Trust me, I know just how frustrating and overwhelming it can be.
But it’s not impossible.
Here’s the story of how one author finally finished her book.
by Sue Weems |
I’m a firm believer in deadlines.
Some will argue that creativity has no end point and that they can’t be inspired if there’s a timeline. If that mindset results in powerful writing and stories that resonate with readers as regularly as you’d like, then go forth and continue with the process that is working for you!
If, however, you can’t seem to finish in the time and manner you desire, a little deadline practice might be just the thing you need to propel your writing forward.
by Joe Bunting |
Let’s start with the obvious: You don’t know how to write a book. I’ve written seven books, and I don’t really know how to write a book either. I have a process that works, sure, but with writing, as with many things in life, it’s always when you think you know what you’re doing that you get into trouble.
So let’s just admit right now, you don’t know how to write a book, and definitely not in 100 days, and that’s okay. There, don’t you feel better?
by J. D. Edwin |
Have you ever wondered how some writers publish a book or more a year? Do they have a secret that could teach you how to become a successful writer? Are there tools you could use to make you equally productive?
If you want to become a successful writer, you need to first learn how to become a productive writer. But what does it really take to be productive?
In this article we will look at five tools you can use to become a more productive and successful writer—all of which you’ll want to place neatly in your writer’s toolkit.
by Kellie McGann |
Although I call myself a writer, the last few months I haven’t been writing. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but somewhere between ghostwriting projects and blog posts, I just stopped.
I couldn’t put words on a page, and when I did, the words barely made sense. I stopped writing for a total of three months and no matter what I did, nothing seemed to help. None of the writer’s block tricks were working.
It took me a few weeks to realize that it wasn’t writer’s block I was dealing with. It was writer’s burnout.
by Sarah Gribble |
Let’s be honest: it’s hard breaking habits, especially when it comes to bad writing habits. Writing is a career that requires a lot of self-motivation. In other words, it’s the perfect breeding ground for procrastination, distractions, and a world of other bad writing habits stalling your time to write.
But there’s hope! The best way to break bad writing habits is to first recognize that 1) you have them and 2) put forth the conscience effort needed to protect your time for writing. Here’s what I consider the three worst writing habits—and how to break them.