by Joe Bunting |
You might think, no one can write a book in 100 days. And certainly not a good book.
You might even feel a program like our 100 Day Book Challenge is just a quick fix. Writing a book should take longer. It’s about the experience!
But let me ask you this: When was the last time you spent 100 days completely focused on your writing?
by Monica M. Clark |
It’s all too easy to forget your goals after just a few weeks, or even days. (You haven’t forgotten your goals already, have you?) What action will you take today to make sure your writing goals don’t fall by the wayside, but are a priority in your life throughout 2017?
by Jeff Elkins |
It’s that time of year again. The holiday parties are done, visiting family has gone home, and normal life has resumed. Coming back makes us question, “Is this really what I want my life to look like?”
So we set New Year’s resolutions. We tell ourselves, “This year, it’s going to be different! This year I’m going to write more, finish that book, put out a short story a week, finally edit that manuscript, etc. . . .”
It’s not enough just to say that things are going to be different. If we want to see real change in our lives, we need to be disciplined and strategic about the changes we make.
by Monica M. Clark |
NaNoWriMo is a fun thing lots of writers do each year. In order to write 50,000 words in just 30 days, they write thousands of words every single day. Whether you’re writing a novel in a month or not, though, writing every day is actually a really valuable habit to develop.
Don’t believe me? Then check out these quotes from authors and bloggers, which will inspire you next month and beyond!
by Kellie McGann |
For successful writers, there are three main components you need to really write: productivity, creativity, and inspiration. Without any one of these three, you’ll find writing difficult, but when they come together, you will find your writing will be better and maybe even a bit easier.
The things you eat and drink can have a significant effect on your writing. If you’re lacking productivity, creativity, or inspiration, pick one of these writing-enhancing foods and drinks for a boost.
by Ruthanne Reid |
At some point, your life as a writer will turn upside down.
The problems may come from health issues, from financial strain, from emotional stress, from relationship trouble, from any and every corner. It may come from the 500th rejection from an agent, from an unwelcome review or critique, or from plain old writer’s block.
Wherever it comes from, whatever turns your writing life upside down, I want you to be ready.