by Kellie McGann |
Writers encounter dialogue every day, but too often recently I’ve seen great stories ruined by choppy, incoherent, and straight up weird dialogue.
Let’s break down the essentials of dialogue tags so we can all write clearer conversations.
by Joe Bunting |
Children’s books often use animals as main characters, giving them human-like characteristics to connect with readers in real life. Did you know there’s a name for that? Let’s look at anthropomorphism’s literary definition and some examples.
by Joe Bunting |
Whether you’re writing a book or a blog post, it’s tempting to just dive into your writing project. However, you will likely save yourself time and create a better end product if you settle on a solid premise before you start writing.
by Joslyn Chase |
As writers, we want to capture our readers’ attention, rivet them to the page, and leave them clamoring for more. We want to create something that moves people, deepens their understanding, and keeps them thinking about our story long after they’ve devoured the last word.
You may have noticed how I used sets of three in my opening paragraph, and if you didn’t consciously register it, your subconscious mind certainly did. Using the Rule of Three in your writing is one way to meet reader expectations and engage reader interest.
by Pamela Fernuik and Sue Weems |
Master storytellers often use allusion to add richness or depth and to let readers make deeper connections to a story. Let’s look at a definition, some allusion examples, and how to use allusion in your own writing.
by Joe Bunting |
You know you’ve seen it at the end of a book, but what does it mean? What is an epilogue actually? Why not just call it, “Last Chapter?” Who thought up this word, “Epilogue,” anyway? And if you’re a writer, should you end you’re book with an epilogue?