4 Speedy Strategies to Boost Your NaNoWriMo Word Count

4 Speedy Strategies to Boost Your NaNoWriMo Word Count

Happy prep-tober! If you’re as excited for NaNoWriMo as I am, October is probably pretty busy for you. Now is the time to start printing your novel worksheets, introducing yourself on the NaNo forums, and scheduling time to write.

But NaNoWriMo isn’t always stress-free. Attempting to write 50k in a month is hard work. Luckily, I’m here with four tips to boost your word count.

Point of View Magic: How to Cast a Spell on Your Readers

Point of View Magic: How to Cast a Spell on Your Readers

What does it take to immerse your readers in your story so deeply that they forget they’re reading? Maybe, for a few hours, they’ll even believe your imaginary world is real.

One of the strongest tools in your arsenal is point of view. Here’s how to capture its magic so your readers get lost in your books.

How to Get Story Ideas From Unexpected Headlines

How to Get Story Ideas From Unexpected Headlines

A few years ago, I read a startling headline in a back section of the Sunday newspaper. It said “Man Likely Padlocked Himself in Bag Found in Bathtub.” I blinked twice, sure I had misread something.

Even after I read the article, I still couldn’t believe it. I was grieved for his family and friends, but I couldn’t help but see the possibilities for inspiring fiction. I wondered how it could even be done?  As a claustrophobic, I wondered, why?

This situation and article were surely stranger than fiction, but it prompted so many questions. Turns out questions are at the heart of great fiction, and you can use headlines to develop ideas all day long. Here’s how to get story ideas from the strangest news headlines.

6 More Creative Ways to Strengthen Your Story Idea

6 More Creative Ways to Strengthen Your Story Idea

Nearly every story you care to name has bits and pieces or elements from other stories. It’s unavoidable, since we’ve been telling stories from the dawn of human existence. Most of your story ideas are going to resemble existing stories in some way.

So, how do you take the seed of a story that feels too much like it’s already been done, and make it your own?