Don’t Stop Writing

Don’t Stop Writing

Hey, you. Yes, you—the one with the ink-stained dreams and itchy fingers. I have a message for you from the future: don’t stop writing.

The future also wants to talk about a few scary things today. You have been warned.

4 Reasons to Write Short Stories

4 Reasons to Write Short Stories

For most of my creative writing life, I’ve tried to write novels. Novels are the pinnacle of fiction writing in the same way oil painting is the pinacle of art. I thought that if I were going to be a writer it meant I didn’t have a choice but to write novels.

However, recently, my thoughts have changed. In fact, for a few years I locked my novel away in my desk drawer to focus all my attention on short stories.

Here are four reasons why you should consider writing short stories instead of novels.

Your Muse’s Secret Identity

Your Muse’s Secret Identity

Ever heard the phrase, “With great power comes great responsibility”? That applies directly to you as a writer. See, we storytellers are really good at imagining things. Unfortunately, that means we’re also really good at screwing ourselves up.

Do you have powerful doubts you can do this? Good. Your doubts prove your skill as a writer. Read on to find out why.

5 Steps to Set Writing Goals You’ll Actually Achieve

5 Steps to Set Writing Goals You’ll Actually Achieve

It’s that time of year again. The holiday parties are done, visiting family has gone home, and normal life has resumed. Coming back makes us question, “Is this really what I want my life to look like?”

So we set New Year’s resolutions. We tell ourselves, “This year, it’s going to be different! This year I’m going to write more, finish that book, put out a short story a week, finally edit that manuscript, etc. . . .”

It’s not enough just to say that things are going to be different. If we want to see real change in our lives, we need to be disciplined and strategic about the changes we make.

The Best Gift a Writer Can Give

The Best Gift a Writer Can Give

The word “gift” has several meanings. Your writing is a gift. A natural ability, and something to give away without payment.

You can give gifts; socks, pencils, toys. Socks will get holes in them, pencils will wear down, and toys will break. Words can create images and bring back memories that will never wear down or break.

Write with intent. Give someone you love a story about how much they mean to you.

3 Tips to Help You Finish NaNoWriMo

As I race for the NaNoWriMo finish line, I want to share a few tips with you to help you complete your own race. Starting a book might be easy, but finishing it—and meeting your deadline!—is a struggle. Whatever writing goals you’ve set for yourself, we can meet them together, fellow writers, and here’s how.