3 Reasons All Writers Should Write Flash Fiction

3 Reasons All Writers Should Write Flash Fiction

Whether you’re a blogger, poet, novelist, or cookbook author, there are certain things all writers are expected to do. Some of them are obvious: all writers should read; otherwise, how will we know what to create? Likewise, all writers need to establish a habit of writing daily in order to pursue their passion.

But writing flash fiction? If you don’t write shorter stories, why should you write flash fiction?

Here are three reasons why.

5 Tips to Capture a Moment in Writing

5 Tips to Capture a Moment in Writing

The last few weeks I've been traveling around Europe. I've been to Iceland, Athens, Lesvos, Amsterdam, Maastricht, and next week, I will be going to Paris. It's been magical, to say the least. Every day I've seen something I might never see again. And each day there...

How to Dig Yourself Out of a Creative Rut

You stare and stare at the page, but you just can’t get yourself motivated to write. Nothing you write feels right, anyway. In fact, nothing about this process seems to feel right. You’re bored and uninspired, and the whole writing process is feeling stale. It’s not...
Stop Feeling Like an Imposter

Stop Feeling Like an Imposter

Do you ever feel like a writing imposter? Like you're just faking this writing thing, waiting for everyone to figure out you have no idea what you're doing? I challenged my friend, author S.J. Henderson, to write a poem a few days ago. She took me up on my challenge,...