by J. D. Edwin |
Are you trying to write faster? Writing a scene outline might be exactly what you need. But what is a scene outline, and how you can create one that help direct your story while giving you creative freedom?
A scene outline can give your story plan focus and prevent burnout or confusion when actually writing your story.
In this article, you’ll learn how to create a scene list that gives your big story idea focus, which will help you not only write faster, but give you a higher chance of actually finishing your book—and having fun while you write it!
by Sarah Gribble |
I’m a firm believer in Halloween. But I know all the gore and scary movies aren’t for everyone, especially little kids.
Halloween is for everyone, though! There’s so much more to the celebration than jump scares and fake blood. And I think we all need a little lightheartedness this year.
Have your kids try one of these writing prompts (or try one yourself)!
by Sue Weems and Joe Bunting |
If you have a main character whose crisis tempts them to veer outside of their values, then you likely have a morality plot. Sometimes the choice is one of selfishness at the expense of others, other times, it is selflessness at the expense of self. But the character’s moral fiber, their soul, is always on the line. Let’s look at how to write a temptation or morality plot.
by Sue Weems |
Fall is in full swing here in the United States. If you are looking for some inspiration to take you through the month, check out our new list of October writing prompts!
by Sarah Gribble |
If you follow any kind of writing blog or social page, you’ve probably seen picture writing prompts before. People love them and there’s no end to sites that provide them. Not to mention the millions of pictures that are out there that aren’t “official” writing prompts. You’ve probably got a ton on your phone that could spark an idea.
If you haven’t taken the plunge and tried writing from picture writing prompts before, here are five reasons why you should.
by Sue Weems and Guest Blogger |
If you’re a writer, you’ve likely heard advice that one of the best ways to improve your craft is to read. It’s true! But the way you read matters. How can you read and discuss books with a writer’s eye, so you get more out of the experience?