by Sue Weems |
Adventure stories are built around the life versus death value, meaning that the main conflict and most of the scenes turn on survival. The adventure genre can be set in real life or include an exciting adventure in a fantasy world or other far-flung places most readers will never visit.
Today let’s look at more than 20 adventure story idea prompts to get your own story on its way!
by Joe Bunting |
Why do people enter writing contests? Some enter to get practice submitting. Others enter to motivate themselves to finish their stories.
But there’s one thing nearly everyone who enters a writing contest wants…
To win.
by Joe Bunting |
Want to write a memoir but not sure how to get started? I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’m sharing my ten best creative writing prompts for memoir writers.
by Guest Blogger |
When selling a book, you literally have a few seconds to catch your potential reader’s eye. There is no better way to do it than with a striking cover. As an indie author, you have the creative freedom to design it how you love. But what should the cover look like to be the best marketing tool?
by Sue Weems |
Dialogue is an essential component for most stories, whether it’s for a narrative essay, memoir, or fiction. Even if you’re writing nonfiction, you’ll likely use stories to illustrate your point, and those stories will include dialogue. Today we have some dialogue writing prompts to help you write better dialogue while you develop some story ideas.
by Sue Weems |
Valentine’s Day has a complicated history depending on who you ask. It’s been called a celebration of a martyr, a festival heralding a coming spring, and a holiday for lovers.
But you don’t have to frame it as a romantic holiday to have fun with one of these fun writing prompts today.