How to Write When You Don’t Feel Like It: 5 Practical Tips You Can Try Today

How to Write When You Don’t Feel Like It: 5 Practical Tips You Can Try Today

Are there times in your life when it’s more difficult to write? Do you want to learn how to write when you don’t feel like it?

As a writer, You probably feel frustrated when the muse doesn’t show up, or you feel stuck on a bad idea for a story but desperately want to write one. One day you’re passionate about writing. You’re in the zone.

And then, something happens.

You skip a day. And then two. A week goes by and you haven’t written a paragraph. You enter a black hole of unproductive writing sessions.

You feel guilty, like you should be taking your writing more seriously, but you just can’t muster the willpower to actually write. This is real life for a real writer: there are days when we don’t want to write, where not even an extra large cup of coffee will get you through a writing session.

In this article, we’ll talk about why you don’t feel like writing and what you can do about it.

Your First Writing Practice

Your First Writing Practice

Anyone can write for fifteen minutes a day. But imagine how fifteen minutes of creative writing each day could change your life. I

Fifteen minutes a day, and I can turn you from an aspiring writer to a daily writer.

How does it work?

How to Accomplish Twice the Writing in Half the Time

How to Accomplish Twice the Writing in Half the Time

Many writers struggle with time management, but I’ve taken this dilemma to a whole, new level. In this post I want to talk about how I’ve learned to accomplish twice the writing in half the time.

Some writers have a set schedule. They work the same time every day.

Lucky them.

Others, do not. They sneak in their pages through tiny chunks of time — five minutes here, another 15 minutes there.

Nothing wrong with that, either. Just try to be consistent.

Here’s an interesting fact I’ve recently discovered about myself. In talking to others, they’ve admitted they do this, too…

5 Christmas Writing Prompts to Tickle Your Holiday Spirit

5 Christmas Writing Prompts to Tickle Your Holiday Spirit

It’s Christmas Eve! The Write Practice will be taking a brief break from the blog for the next week, but in the meantime we’d love to inspire your writing this holiday season with some Christmas writing prompts. 

Maybe you’re looking for some creative writing activities for the last day of school before winter break. Or you’re craving a handful of creative writing prompts that will also get you into the festive mood. Either way, these holiday-themed writing prompts are for you!

Write alone, or grab lots of people in your writing community. Pick a writing prompt for this article. When you’re chosen a favorite, take on a fifteen minute writing sprint.

It never hurts to get some special writing practice in before your holiday celebrations. 

3 Tricks for Getting Unstuck During the Holidays

3 Tricks for Getting Unstuck During the Holidays

If you want to succeed as a writer, you need a stress-free time to work and think. Writing sessions during the holidays can be hard for us. With all the added parties and present buying and family events, it can be easy to feel stuck and unable to work on your latest writing project.

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to find time for writing. 

In this article, you can learn three tricks to keeping your holiday spirit, and also working on your writing skills.

Let this holiday season be one you enjoy, while also working in those meaningful writing sessions. 

How to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: 4 Easy Ways to Get Ready NOW

How to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: 4 Easy Ways to Get Ready NOW

You might be thinking, “National Novel Writing Month is two months away. Why should I think about how to prepare for NaNoWriMo now?”

Completing the NaNoWriMo challenge is no small feat—it can take years to complete a novel, and yet those who step up for NaNoWriMo each year complete an entire first draft in just a month. This averages out to 1,667 words each day (you can download and print the official NaNoWriMo calendar here).

The official rules for NaNoWriMo state that writers are not permitted to start writing until November 1. But that doesn’t mean you have to just sit and wait. You can prepare for it!

Before the month of November, take advantage of the free time you have for some NaNoWriMo prep work.

By following these four ways, you can succeed (and have fun writing) when the time of year to meet your NaNoWriMo goals comes.