5 Christmas Writing Prompts to Tickle Your Holiday Spirit

5 Christmas Writing Prompts to Tickle Your Holiday Spirit

It’s Christmas Eve! The Write Practice will be taking a brief break from the blog for the next week, but in the meantime we’d love to inspire your writing this holiday season with some Christmas writing prompts. 

Maybe you’re looking for some creative writing activities for the last day of school before winter break. Or you’re craving a handful of creative writing prompts that will also get you into the festive mood. Either way, these holiday-themed writing prompts are for you!

Write alone, or grab lots of people in your writing community. Pick a writing prompt for this article. When you’re chosen a favorite, take on a fifteen minute writing sprint.

It never hurts to get some special writing practice in before your holiday celebrations. 

New Year Writing Prompts: Write a Series of New Year’s Resolution Disasters

New Year Writing Prompts: Write a Series of New Year’s Resolution Disasters

Have you ever seen the New Years Resolution episode from Friends? You know the one where Ross wears leather pants, Joey tries to learn how to play guitar, and Rachel tries to gossip less?

If you’re a Friends fan, I’d be shocked if you didn’t know the episode I’m talking about. Rolling Stone even suggested this episode really should be called “‘The One With Ross’ Leather Pants’ because no one else’s 1999 New Year’s resolution produces results as memorable — or disastrous.”

But even though Ross’s leather pants fiasco is what makes the episode, it’s not the only resolution that wins some laughs. Today, let’s focus on brainstorming some New Year writing prompts to kickstart your writing year with some humor.

Write About Your City: Writing Prompt

Today's writing prompt challenges you to write about your city, no matter how big or small. Use this prompt to explore the particular flavor of a real city or a fictional city if you prefer. Years ago I had the opportunity to inteview poet Paul Willis when he was the...