23 Essential Quotes From Ernest Hemingway About Writing

23 Essential Quotes From Ernest Hemingway About Writing

Ernest Hemingway was one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Most writers seem to either love him—and are influenced by his clear, direct prose—or hate him. Many seek the internet for Hemingway quotes, either to seek inspiration or wisdom. 

Regardless of your personal feelings, Ernest Hemingway’s insight into the craft of writing is unparalleled, as you’ll see.

This article shares some interesting facts and and quotes that drip with emotional honesty from one of the great American authors.

Read on to see famous quotes you can use as guiding principles in your writing  and personal life.

Roman A Clef: 3 Liberating Reasons Why Writers Should Use This

Roman A Clef: 3 Liberating Reasons Why Writers Should Use This

Something happened to you. Maybe last year, or maybe twenty-five years ago, but it left its mark. It could be a crazy adventure or journey, or a massive trauma—or just a period of your life that really shaped who you’ve become. And you’d like to write it up as a book. The question is, should you write it as a memoir—or could it work better as a roman à clef?

Your decision will determine whether you stick as closely to real life as you can, or embellish and change things a little (or a lot) and call it fiction.

Writing in roman à clef is a choice many memoir writers make after deciding they need to fictionalize their story—and there’s nothing wrong with that!

In this article, you’ll learn exactly what roman à clef is, some guidelines of how to write a story using it, and why this choice can make a surprising—possibly better—direction for your future book.

TED Talks for Writers: 6 TED Talks That Will Revive Your Storytelling Spirit

TED Talks for Writers: 6 TED Talks That Will Revive Your Storytelling Spirit

Looking for a boost in your creative writing? We all need something to rekindle our love of story. These TED Talks for writers might be just the inspiration you need.

In your work as a writer, have you ever succumbed to the pity party? Why am I laboring away at something only a handful of people will ever read? Why am I spending all my time on something no one else cares about? 

If you’ve been doing it long enough, you’ll have had those moments of doubt. My intention with this article is to provide help and inspiration to push through those barriers and restoke the fires of determined storytelling.

What I found in my forays for fuel to ignite that flame met—and exceeded—my expectations, reaffirming one of the fundamental truths I hold most dear: there is extraordinary power in story.

Fear Setting: How to Overcome Your Fear of Writing

Fear Setting: How to Overcome Your Fear of Writing

If you’re not finishing your writing, it’s because of fear. Fear is far more influential than we like to think. We like to believe that we’re not succumbing to fears because we are good at goal-setting, or perhaps we stick to a writing schedule of some kind.

Yet fear is insidious. It is subtle. It speaks with voices you can’t hear, and unless you weed those voices from your psyche, they will forever impede your writing dreams.

Here’s how to overcome your fears and finish your writing with confidence!

JK Rowling’s Writing Process: 9 Principles You Can Use From Rowling’s Philosophy of Writing

JK Rowling’s Writing Process: 9 Principles You Can Use From Rowling’s Philosophy of Writing

If you’re like me, you loved the Harry Potter series. Maybe you watched the movies or even visited the theme park, and you wondered about JK Rowling’s writing process and the strategy she uses to write her best-selling books.

If you’re like me, though, you’ve also been deeply hurt by things Rowling herself has said. On Twitter, on her website, in interviews, and more, Rowling has promoted harmful views of trans people, and you might be one of her many readers who find it painful, or even impossible, to return to the Harry Potter stories you once loved.

I understand. Before I dive into the wisdom we can draw from Rowling’s writing process, allow me to share a principle with you.