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At The Write Practice, we publish a new article each day designed to help writers tackle one part of their writing journey, from generating ideas to grammar to writing and publishing your first book. Each article has a short practice exercise at the end to help you immediately put your learning to use.

Check out the latest articles below or find ones that match your interest in the sidebar.

And make sure to subscribe to get a weekly digest of our latest posts, along with our free guide, 10 Steps to Become a Writer.

Halloween Story Writing Prompt: Bring Out Your Inner Child

Halloween Story Writing Prompt: Bring Out Your Inner Child

Halloween is a time to bring out your spooky side, to get creative, and to eat tons and tons of candy. In other words, Halloween is a time to be a kid again.

In that spirit (see what I did there?), my prompt for you today is a little on the lighter side: write from a child’s point of view.

How to Publish a Short Story: Find Your Publication and Idea

How to Publish a Short Story: Find Your Publication and Idea

A lot of you have just finished participating in The Write Practice’s 7 Day Creative Writing Challenge. You’re pumped, inspired, enthused. You feel good about establishing a writing habit. Now what?

Now you write a short story and submit it.

This post is the first in a four-part series that will walk you through the process of planning, writing, and submitting a short story. At the end of the series, you’ll have a short story ready for submittal!

How to Tell an Adventure Story: Max Dubinski

How to Tell an Adventure Story: Max Dubinski

What does it take to tell an adventure story? So many great writers and hopeful adventurers have set out to travel, hoping that might help. Does it? Can you choose to set out on an adventure, and if you do, will that make a good story?

My New Book, Crowdsourcing Paris, Is Now Available

My New Book, Crowdsourcing Paris, Is Now Available

Exciting news: today my new book, Crowdsourcing Paris, is published! I’ve been working on this book for five years, and I’m so excited to finally share it with you.

Crowdsourcing Paris means a lot to me. It’s my memoir of a pretty amazing chapter of my life. It’s also the book that you helped me write, and so I’m especially excited to share it here, in the Write Practice community.

How to Keep Writing Through Life’s Big Changes

How to Keep Writing Through Life’s Big Changes

How do you keep writing through life’s big changes? New houses, new jobs, new babies, even new puppies can throw a wrench into your writing life. It’s so easy to get distracted, run out of time, and lose your writing motivation.

Change is inevitable. It messes with our lives, turns our world upside down. Even through these changes, writers have to write. It’s easy to say you’re distracted, that you can’t write right now. You’ll pick it back up when things have settled down.

But the longer you go without writing, the less likely you are to pick it back up. So what to do?

How to Find Your Voice: James Victore

How to Find Your Voice: James Victore

Does it really matter what other people think of your art? When should you seek advice, critique, and opinion—and when should you trust your voice?

In this episode of Character Test, I talk with author and designer James Victore about what happens when you stop seeking the opinions of others and start making art you believe in.

How to Publish a Book and Sell Your First 1,000 Copies

How to Publish a Book and Sell Your First 1,000 Copies

I work with a lot of writers, and by far the most frustrated, disappointed, and confused writers I work with aren’t the ones chasing after the publication of their first book.

It’s the ones who have already published their first book.

How do you publish your book and sell your first 1,000 copies?

How to Make Characters Take Action (And Make Writers Take Action, Too)

How to Make Characters Take Action (And Make Writers Take Action, Too)

I was recently reading a story in development and found myself irritated with the main character. Why? I thought. They have a good plan, they care about their goal, and their dialogue is engaging. As I kept reading, I found myself wanting to shout, “Get on with it already!” Suddenly I recognized exactly what the problem was, and worse, I realized I do it too.

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