I.E. vs. E.G.: How to Keep Them Straight

I.E. vs. E.G.: How to Keep Them Straight

We all have our pet peeves when it comes to writing. Maybe you hate the Oxford comma. Maybe you loathe the misuse of the ellipsis. As an editor, I’m supposed to have a lot of writing pet peeves, but one of my biggest is the interchanging of e.g. and i.e. I’m here to tell you once and for all that the two are not the same.

Do You Use Quotation Marks or Italics for Song and Album Titles?

Do You Use Quotation Marks or Italics for Song and Album Titles?

I love music. I’ve been teaching myself to play guitar, and I can stumble my way through four or five songs without wanting to poke holes in my eardrums, but my main appreciation for music is when other people play it. I’m an avid Spotify user, and I take a lot of pride in my ability to make kickass playlists. One of my girlfriends has even given me the green light to create her hypothetical wedding reception playlist.

Not everyone writes out the titles of their favorite songs or music albums regularly, so it’s no surprise I sometimes hear people ask, “Are song titles italicized?”

The answer is no.

Here’s how it works.

3 Ways to Use the Rule of Three in Writing to Satisfy Readers

3 Ways to Use the Rule of Three in Writing to Satisfy Readers

As writers, we want to capture our readers’ attention, rivet them to the page, and leave them clamoring for more. We want to create something that moves people, deepens their understanding, and keeps them thinking about our story long after they’ve devoured the last word.

You may have noticed how I used sets of three in my opening paragraph, and if you didn’t consciously register it, your subconscious mind certainly did. Using the Rule of Three in your writing is one way to meet reader expectations and engage reader interest.

Setup vs. Set Up: The Truth About Phrasal Verbs

Setup vs. Set Up: The Truth About Phrasal Verbs

Words in English are tricky things. They merge and morph, even little changes adding layers of new meaning. Don’t believe me? Here’s an area I see lots of people getting tripped up: setup vs. set up. Is it one word or two? And does it even matter?

Actually, it’s both, and yes, it does matter. Let’s take a look at why, shall we?