How to Enjoy Writing and Make the Most of NaNoWriMo
Do you hear that sound? The furious scratching of pens and the clacking of keyboards has begun around the world as the month of writing abandon is finally here. Whether or not you’re participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), here are a few quick tips to help you enjoy writing this month, no matter what your goals are.

Halloween Story Writing Prompt: Bring Out Your Inner Child
Halloween is a time to bring out your spooky side, to get creative, and to eat tons and tons of candy. In other words, Halloween is a time to be a kid again.
In that spirit (see what I did there?), my prompt for you today is a little on the lighter side: write from a child’s point of view.
Parts of Speech: The 9 Types of Words You Need to Write In English
What is a part of speech? In this article, I define the grammatical term, part of speech, list the nine parts of speech, and describe each one using examples. Finally, I give a creative writing exercise to help you cement your knowledge of parts of speech immediately.

3 Tricks for Writing Even When You’re Sick
As writers, we create new realities, which demands we use our experiences to inform our work. A stroll with a friend in a park or a dance in a fountain will translate into chapters.
We don’t just have to grab the good times. We can do this with illness as well. When we are sick, we should try and take a step back and learn about how our characters will feel when they are struck with a disease.

Writing Prompt: Write a Fake Adage Origin
Monday was Labor Day here in the States, and it got me thinking of the adage “Don’t wear white after Labor Day.” It’s perfect fodder for a writing prompt. Don’t see it yet? Stick with me.