How To Be Thankful For Your Writing

How To Be Thankful For Your Writing

Do you think about your writing too much? Do you focus too much on unfinished writing goals?

I know I do. Every day I catch myself worrying about word counts, deadlines, and opportunities I’ll be missing out on.

You’d think that this kind of obsession would make you a better writer, or at least a more motivated one. But it’s probably poisoning you, embittering you against the very craft you’ve come to love.

To save yourself from this jaded point of view, you need a way to take a step back. You need thankfulness.

Writing Prompt: The Holiday Writing Challenge

Writing Prompt: The Holiday Writing Challenge

It can be difficult to find the motivation to write during the holidays. With family around us and added responsibilities, the last thing we can think about is the story we are working on. Sometimes, all we need to give ourselves a motivational boost is a change of...
How to Write a Manifesto: The Struggling Writer’s Guide

How to Write a Manifesto: The Struggling Writer’s Guide

Write a manifesto, a statement of what you believe, to help others, or yourself. Are you wondering how to write a manifesto? You have come to the right place.

The word “manifesto” is from the Latin word “manifesto,” “make public,” which comes from the Latin word “manifestus,” or “obvious.”

Write a manifesto about something that is obvious to you, or that you would like to be obvious to you. Write your manifesto to make it public to everyone, so that it will become obvious, natural, even when it is hard for you to believe it yourself.

How to Write a Scary Story: 3 Strategies for Terrifying Scenes

How to Write a Scary Story: 3 Strategies for Terrifying Scenes

For many of you, Halloween is a time to dream up frightening stories with scenes that thrill and startle your readers. It’s the perfect moment to practice how to write a scary story.

Yet writing a scary scene is easier said than done. To truly scare your readers, you need to be one step ahead of them. If they can predict what’s coming, or if the story doesn’t feel scary, then your writing won’t work.

Here’s how to write a truly scary scene that your readers will love!