How to Write a Backstory Using One Surprising Story Element

How to Write a Backstory Using One Surprising Story Element

Often, backstory is simply told to the reader in the opening or a prologue; this slows down the pace and comes across as a massive info dump. In those instances, the reader might decide to put the book down.

And that’s not what you want. But before you throw out backstory altogether, let’s look at one way to reveal well-developed backstory in a more organic way: through the setting.

25 Love Story Prompts to Kindle Romance and Friendship

25 Love Story Prompts to Kindle Romance and Friendship

When you think of a love story, you probably think of the romance genre: a cover with a bodice-ripping hunk and a woman with hair streaming in the wind. But love stories show up in nearly every genre you can imagine, either as a main plot or as a subplot.

Why is that? What is a love story and why is this plot type so versatile? Let’s take a look.

The 5 Best Questions About Writing to Get You Into the “Write” Mindset

The 5 Best Questions About Writing to Get You Into the “Write” Mindset

I often hear the same questions from writers, questions like, “How do I make a living as a writer?” or, “How do I write a bestselling book?”

These are the wrong questions, and that’s a huge problem because I believe the questions you ask yourself can change your mindset and how you approach your writing.

What are the right questions? In this article, I’m going to share the five essential questions every writer should ask themselves.

Setting Writing Goals: How to Set Goals and Finish Your Book

Setting Writing Goals: How to Set Goals and Finish Your Book

Have you ever had a great book idea, or started a story but failed to finish it? Did you try setting writing goals to finish your story, but couldn’t keep up with your giant ambitions?

Did failing to meet your writing goals end in your giving up?

Goal setting is not as straightforward as it seems. Bad goals reinforce bad habits. If you want to become a writer and finish your writing projects, you need to set goals that you can meet—while also pushing you to complete your writing projects.

In this article, you will learn the two types of goals every writer can set and accomplish. You’ll also learn four major reasons every writer needs to actually finish their writing projects—along with tips on how to do this.