Are the Best Writers Insiders or Outsiders?

Are the Best Writers Insiders or Outsiders?

Which is the better vantage point for the writer: being an outsider or insider? Do the prophets in the wilderness or the embedded reporters make better writers?

This is an important question for us writers because it’s pertains not only to how you write but to how you should live. Should you seek happiness, the society of others, and success? Or should you seek isolation and individual expression?

What Makes a Good Children’s Book?

What Makes a Good Children’s Book?

We all can recall a favorite book we had as kids or one our own kids want to hear over and over. And over. Thousands of children’s books are published each year. These stories, which set the stage for a lifetime of reading, are often very simple. But publishers say that doesn’t mean they’re easy to write.

How to Write Like Nicholas Sparks: 4 Tips

How to Write Like Nicholas Sparks: 4 Tips

Last week I attended a conversation with Nicholas Sparks and local D.C. reporter at the historic Sixth and I. There was a lot of movie talk and name dropping (think, “oh that Ryan and Rachel”), but Sparks was an excellent story teller and engaging speaker. I learned a lot. I would say that the writing tips he shared were the highlight of the experience, but that would be the moment when a girl announced that she had “The Notebook” tattooed on her wrist.

Anyhoo, you want to write like Nicholas Sparks? Below are four tips on how to do it.

Change the World With Your Memoir: Jeff Goins’ 3 Rules for Memoir Writing

Change the World With Your Memoir: Jeff Goins’ 3 Rules for Memoir Writing

I love memoir, always have. Anne Lamott, David Sedaris, Annie Dillard, even Stephen King. There’s something magical about the ability to transform ordinary circumstances into beautiful scenes that teach a deeper truth.

Twenty years ago, it seemed the only people qualified to write memoir were the incredibly famous and the I’m-so-disgustingly-rich-I’d-better-write-a-book elite. The rest of us had better keep our mouths shut… or turn our life’s story into a novel.

But recently, more “normal” people are writing powerful reflections on everyday life. So what’s to stop you and me from joining them?