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At The Write Practice, we publish a new article each day designed to help writers tackle one part of their writing journey, from generating ideas to grammar to writing and publishing your first book. Each article has a short practice exercise at the end to help you immediately put your learning to use.

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It Bears Repeating: Is It Bears or Bares?

It Bears Repeating: Is It Bears or Bares?

It bears repeating that the English language is full of odd sayings. Never fear, though—we’re here to break them down.

Today, we’re taking on a hairy turn of phrase: “it bears repeating.” Or is it “it bares repeating”?

From Imagination to Publication: 100+ Novel Ideas to Fuel Your Literary Journey

From Imagination to Publication: 100+ Novel Ideas to Fuel Your Literary Journey

You want to write, but when you sit down to get started, you realize you don’t have a novel idea. Or perhaps you have so many ideas, you’re having a hard time choosing the best novel idea. Or maybe, you already have an idea, but you just aren’t sure if it’s any good.

That’s what we’re here for. In this article are ten questions to help you get started finding your best novel idea. Use them as writing prompts or as a way to make your current idea better.

How to Market a Children’s Book: 4 Questions to Define Your Target Reader

How to Market a Children’s Book: 4 Questions to Define Your Target Reader

You’ve written a children’s book. Great work! Now, have you thought about marketing your children’s book? Do you wonder if this is even important, or how to do it?

One of the most important considerations you, as a children’s book author (or book author in general), need to address along with the creative side of things is: Who is your target reader? Or, who is your target market?

As a book writer, we like to imagine that everyone will love our book. But this is unrealistic, nonstrategic and a quick way to experience the disappointment of sluggish sales.

Truth: We don’t want to be all things to all people. We want to be the choice for specific, potential readers.

If we write a book without knowing exactly who we’re writing for, we end up writing for our own enjoyment. This is fine and good unless you wish to make money from your book writing efforts. 

What Is Plot? The 6 Elements of Plot and How to Use Them

What Is Plot? The 6 Elements of Plot and How to Use Them

Plot has a specific structure. It follows a format that sucks readers in; introduces characters and character development at a pace guaranteed to create fans; and compels readers to keep reading in order to satisfy conflict and answer questions.

Do you want readers to love your story? (Who doesn’t, am I right?) Then you need to understand plot.

50 Winter Writing Prompts (including 20 Just for Kids!)

50 Winter Writing Prompts (including 20 Just for Kids!)

The winter season may evoke mixed emotions for you as a writer, depending on where you live and your experiences. But these winter writing prompts for adults AND for kids can help you explore this season and make the most of your winter months. 

Premise: The First Step To Writing Your Book

Premise: The First Step To Writing Your Book

Whether you’re writing a book or a blog post, it’s tempting to just dive into your writing project. However, you will likely save yourself time and create a better end product if you settle on a solid premise before you start writing.

I.E. vs. E.G.: How to Keep Them Straight

I.E. vs. E.G.: How to Keep Them Straight

We all have our pet peeves when it comes to writing. Maybe you hate the Oxford comma. Maybe you loathe the misuse of the ellipsis. As an editor, I’m supposed to have a lot of writing pet peeves, but one of my biggest is the interchanging of e.g. and i.e. I’m here to tell you once and for all that the two are not the same.

How Long Does it Take to Write a Book?

How Long Does it Take to Write a Book?

How long does it take to write a book? Writing the first draft of a book is a grueling, intimidating process. But it doesn’t have to be a slow process.

Ask one hundred writers how long it takes them to write their first drafts and you’ll get one hundred different answers. There is no perfect length of time to spend on a first draft.

You will find, though, that the writers whose answer is closer to a couple of months than to a couple of years are most likely more successful.

How to Write a Novel (Without Fail): The Ultimate 20-Step Guide

How to Write a Novel (Without Fail): The Ultimate 20-Step Guide

What if you could begin your novel without the fear of failing? What if you had a process so foolproof, you knew you would finish no matter what? The zombie apocalypse could finally strike and you’d still finish writing your novel.

The good news is you’ve found the write place (sorry, bad habit).

New Year Journal Prompts: Get Your Year Started Right

New Year Journal Prompts: Get Your Year Started Right

It’s a new year! Whether you love making New Year’s resolutions or resist it, reflection at the end of a season is often a great way to provide clarity and direction. Here’s a list of new year journal prompts to start your year in a positive way! 

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- A. Marieve Monnen
Surviving Death
- Sarah Gribble
- A. Marieve Monnen